American Literature Vocabulary UNIT 1
De- From, down, away Examples: detach, deploy, deteriorate
Ex- Out, away, from Examples: external, extreme,extraordinary
Inter- Between Examples: international, intermission
Do you know these definitions? Approbation -Innuendo Assuage -intercede Coalition Decadence Elicit Expostulate Hackneyed Hiatus
~approbation~ the expression of approval praise ---------------------- disapproval
~assuage~ to make easier to relieve to alleviate -------------------------------- to aggravate
~coalition~ a combination a merger for some specific purpose an alliance
~decadence~ decline decay excessive self- indulgence degeneration ----------------------------- maturation
~elicit~ to draw forth to bring out to extract ---------------------- stifle
~expostulate~ to attempt to dissuade someone to protest
~hackneyed~ lack freshness lack originality commonplace ------------------------------- new original
~hiatus~ a gap a break a pause
~innuendo~ a hint a suggestion an insinuation ------------------------------- direct statement
~intercede~ to plead on behalf of someone go between in a disagreement to mediate
Trans- Across Beyond Through Examples: Transfer Transform
Pre Before Prior to In advance of Prewrite Prevent Prepare
~jaded~ worn out Tired Lacking Enthusiasm Having too much of something Desensitized
~lurid~ causing shock, horror or revulsion gruesome ghastly --------------------------- wholesome
~meritorious~ deserving recognition and praise praiseworthy ---------------------------- reprehensible
~petulant~ peevish easily irritated irritable ---------------------------- amiable
~prerogative~ a special right, or privilege perquisite
~provincial~ Outlying area Dealing with an outlying area narrow in mind or outlook narrow-minded ---------------------------- broad-minded
~simulate~ imitate pretend
~transcend~ to rise above or beyond exceed surpass
~umbrage~ Shade OR an overshadowing influence or power irritation ----------------------------- pleasure satisfaction
~unctuous~ excessively smooth Smug OR greasy -------------------------------- gruff blunt