You need to have a short bio about yourself.
First Grade “Nine Weeks Plan” will be available on the AES website under the “First Grade” tab along with many other resources. Email - I will be sending weekly emails updating you on our work in the classroom and upcoming events. Expect the first email from me very soon. You will need to reply to this email, so read it carefully. Take Home Folder - This will come home daily and will include any graded work and other important school information. Mandatory
Please bring your supplies to Open House tomorrow from 1:00-2:00. No need to label the supplies! Please send headphones for your child. Please open them and dispose of the package. Optional
Please check out the available donations on the white board to see if you are able to help support our classroom. Optional
Vacations are considered unexcused absences. If you know your child will be absent, please alert the front office by calling the attendance line. Vacations are considered unexcused absences. Optional
The school day begins promptly at 7:50 AM The school day begins promptly at 7:50 AM. Students are considered tardy if they are not IN THE CLASSROOM at 7:50. In the event that your child is tardy, he or she must check in with the office before coming to class. Mandatory
This includes cough drops. All medication must be registered with the health office. Forms for this are available in the office. This includes cough drops. Mandatory
Please turn in your child’s transportation form TONIGHT. If not tonight, then tomorrow at Open House. It is very important that we know how to send your child home to you! In order to begin good routines your child’s arrival/dismissal on the first day of school should be the same as their transportation for the rest of the year. Mandatory
We will have a short amount of time for a snack each day. Water is the only drink permitted in the classroom. Snacks and lunches may not be shared and are completely optional. Please do not send your child with a snack that involves a fork or spoon, or that might leave a sticky mess. Snacks must be completely disposable. No nut products due to student allergies. Mandatory, but with your classroom policy
Each student’s ID number is their lunch number. Your student MUST know this lunch number when he or she buys lunch. We will help with this until they learn it. The faster they learn it then the more time they will have to actually eat their lunch. Your child’s lunch account can be managed online. You can see what your child is purchasing and add money. If you choose to send cash or check, please send it in an envelope labeled with your child’s FIRST AND LAST name, ID number, and the purpose of the money. Menus are available on the AES or LCPS website. Optional
Invitations for birthday parties cannot be given out at school unless every child in the class is invited. If you wish, you may send a small, non-edible treat to celebrate your child’s birthday. Examples of non-edible treats are pencils, erasers, stickers or a classroom book. Mandatory
Homework should be completed by the child with parental support. Nightly reading homework begins when school starts. Your child is expected to read or be read to for 20 minutes with an adult each night. Once classroom routines are established information about additional homework will be sent home. Homework should be completed by the child with parental support. Mandatory
Students in first grade have the following grade scale: E = Exceeds Standards M = Meets Standards P = Progressing Towards Standards B = Performing Below Standard These grades should not be translated into A’s, B’s, or C’s. The goals grow more rigorous throughout the year. We do NOT do class rankings in first grade. All students will be supported and challenged to make progress. Paper report cards will no longer be sent home. You will log into PARENTVUE for report cards and much more. Mandatory
PBIS PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Intervention Support. Through this program we live by the motto “Respect Self, Respect Others, Respect Property.” During the school year students will earn “Dolphin Dollars” for demonstrating the three R’s. We reward positive behavior in various ways, which could include pajama days, extra recess, etc. Students will participate in daily morning meetings and closing meetings in the classroom. Mandatory
Our class schedule can be found in your BTSN packet. Students will have recess twice daily. Guided reading, math stations, and writer’s workshop will make up most of your child’s daily instruction, along with science and social studies. Please become familiar with PARENTVUE. This will be used throughout the year for many things, so please become familiar with it. All questions about this should be directed to the front office. Information about scheduling your first quarter conference will be sent home in the coming weeks. Please be prepared to produce a photo ID when visiting the school. You must check in at the front office every time you enter the school. Mandatory