HOUSING SOUND INSULATION & SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Dr Sean Smith Building Performance Centre Napier University Scottish Executive – Victoria Quay BPC
BUILDING PERFORMANCE CENTRE (BPC) Location: Based within Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Creative Industries, Napier University Role: Undertake applied and integrated research and consultancy involving building performance Key Areas: Structures, sound insulation, thermal insulation, air quality, material components, elements and systems, design and fabrication Background BPC
BUILDING PERFORMANCE CENTRE (BPC) Regulatory approaches, policy, design, guidance, innovative construction, skills and workmanship International and UK wide Government departments and agencies, developers, housing associations, local authorities, housebuilders, architects, construction organisations and material manufacturers BPC & RMP work on 250+ live sites / annum Background robustdetails BPC
Sustainable Development BPC
Sustainable Development development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs Of the 24 reportable indicators Sound Insulation influences 14 of these indicators
The Noise Environment ……..the dark side …..of physics.. we can hear it …often we can feel it ……but we can never see it!
SOUND INSULATION & HOUSING Existing Housing Stock (99%) Laminate or Hard floor finishes Improving the existing housing stock New Build (1%) PCT – pre-completion testing (E&W) Robust Details BCB…to…..EHO Scotlands future….. in 2009 ? BPC
SOUND INSULATION & HOUSING Existing Housing Stock (99%) Laminate or Hard floor finishes Improving the existing housing stock New Build (1%) PCT – pre-completion testing (E&W) Robust Details BCB…to…..EHO Scotlands future….. in 2009 ? BPC
SOUND INSULATION & HOUSING Existing Housing Stock (99%) Laminate or Hard floor finishes Improving the existing housing stock New Build (1%) PCT – pre-completion testing (E&W) Robust Details FUTURE: BCB…to…..EHO Scotlands future….. in 2009 ? BPC
UK HOUSING STATISTICS Approximate quantity of attached dwellings
Standard Tapping Machine Conforming to BS EN ISO 140
Relative Improvement In Impact Performance
Resilient Underlay Performance L w Re: Concrete Base Re: Lightweight Timber Base
Hardfloor System Performance L w Re: Concrete Base Re: Lightweight Timber Base
Funding Agencies
EXISTING HOUSING - NEW GUIDANCE Funding Agencies Useful for: Property Managers Occupants Architects Building Control Acousticians Approx 120 pages 8 Primary chapters 11 Case studies Q&A section
Noise issues – Assessing housing stock
BPC Remedial Treatments – e.g. block walls Existing dwellings - starting point
BPC Remedial Treatments – e.g. concrete floors
BPC Case Studies – before and after treatments
Identify key types of housing Apply remedial works to worst first Standardise remedial works with clear installation and instructions Produce build work checklists to monitor progress Sample test works Apply thermal and acoustic performance materials Program of works (e.g. change of tenant or occupant) Undertake other needy works at the same time BPC Strategic approach
Identify key types of housing Apply remedial works to worst first Standardise remedial works with clear installation and instructions Produce build work checklists to monitor progress Sample test works Apply thermal and acoustic performance materials Program of works (e.g. change of tenant or occupant) Undertake other needy works at the same time BPC Strategic approach
Identify key types of housing Apply remedial works to worst first Standardise remedial works with clear installation and instructions Produce build work checklists to monitor progress Sample test works Apply thermal and acoustic performance materials Program of works (e.g. change of tenant or occupant) Undertake other needy works at the same time BPC Strategic approach
New Build - E&W BPC Developed, Designed and Project Managed by BPC – Napier 02/03 Largest SI research contract 100,000+ homes / annum BPC - technical adviser 28 inspectors
…Pre 2004 (E&W) BPC FAILS 35%COMPLIANCE50%
…Post 2004 (E&W) with Robust details BPC COMPLIANCE 97%
…New build and Laminate / Hard flooring (E&W) future Robust Details BPC Designing for hard flooring / laminate use In-built impact resilient layers Tested with laminate in place Not tested on soft covering
Improvement in performance enhancing communities Reducing potential neighbour disputes Standardisation of works and materials reduces cost Reduced waste, better managed recycling and less landfill Better thermal performance, reduced air leakage Alternative and more sustainable materials Improved knowledge transfer to work force BPC Sustainability benefits of RD approach
Improvement in performance enhancing communities Reducing potential neighbour disputes Standardisation of works and materials reduces cost Reduced waste, better managed recycling and less landfill Better thermal performance, reduced air leakage Alternative and more sustainable materials Improved knowledge transfer to work force BPC Sustainability benefits of RD approach
New Build - Scotland BPC
New Build - Scotland BPC Sound insulation testing (PCT) is not compulsory Robust Details Scheme is not yet used in Scotland Some BCBs (few of the 32 LAs) ask for PCT
New Build – Scotland (FUTURE) BPC What new build regulations we create for sound insulation will impact on our future housing stock and future generations?
Contact details: Building Performance Centre Robin Mackenzie Partnership Acoustic Consultancy