The Price of Secession Reconstruction 1865 - 1878
The Devastation of America The Civil War had: -killed over 600,000 men -cost over $20 billion (5 x’s cost of govt. since 1776) - the South had been destroyed Men,women and children had no shelter, food or jobs 4 million slaves were now free
How to deal with the South? -many Northerners wanted to punish the South -others wanted to put the war behind them and rebuild the South Andrew Johnson, a Southerner, was chosen to win the Northern Democrat’s vote He would deal with these questions! Pro-slavery and racist, but hates wealthy planters
-Confederate officials -Military officers May 1865 Johnson offers general amnesty and the return of property to Confederates who swear allegiance to Union and support the freedom of slaves Excludes: -Confederate officials -Military officers -owner of more than $20,000 in property •forces them to grovel for amnesty
New Southern governments were formed Johnson’s leniency meant former Confederate leaders returned to political power This caused concern in the N. The S didn’t care about forgiveness or following the rules after the war.
The Freedman’s Bureau Created by N. government -support blacks after the war -help acquire land for farming “forty acres and a mule” Johnson’s pardons destroyed the idea of using captured plantations to fulfill FB goal Johnson vetoes a new FB bill 1866 Congress overrides his veto!
March 1866 Johnson vetoes a civil right bill! Congress overrides with - The 14th Amendment! 1) Defines citizenship of US (all persons born or neutralized in the US) Automatic citizenship to all freed blacks 2) Penalized states from withholding voting rights to any man 3) Disqualified from Federal or State office all Confederates who had taken the Oath of any Office prior to the war Johnson advises the South not to pass it!!!
Also required to ratify the 14th Amendment to rejoin the Union! Republicans took over the job of Reconstruction because of Johnson’s attitude! First Reconstruction Act - 1867 -all Southern Govts. were illegal S divided into 5 military districts New govts. formed with blacks allowed to vote and hold office Also required to ratify the 14th Amendment to rejoin the Union! (passed 1868 under Grant)
Cornering a President Congress attaches a little known court decision to a bill -disallows Johnson to veto R.C legislation by Congress Republicans attempted to impeach (bring up of charges of high crimes and misdemeanors in office) -attempting to reunify the South It is rejected Dec 1867
New laws to catch Johnson… The Tenure of Office Act – President can not remove Federal officers appointed by the Senate without Senate approval Command of the Army Act – Forbid the President to issue orders to the Army except thru the General of the Army (Grant) who needed Senate approval Johnson attempts to remove several Republicans from his cabinet infuriating Congress A second Impeachment process is started! Johnson is impeached! His trial for removal from office began.
On three counts of misconduct, the vote was 35-19. Johnson was saved by one vote shy of 2/3 needed! A stalemate exists until a new President takes office. Presidential Reconstruction is dead! [Actions of Congress are deemed unconstitutional (Myers v United States)]