Pickering must close now CNSC FAILS ITS MANDATE IF IT DOES NOT.
Radioactivity survives All Possible Calamities Earthquakes Tsunamies Nuclear Explosions & Tests Volcanic Eruptions Forest Fires and Floods And CNSC decisions
NUCLEAR WASTE DISPOSAL IS NOT POSSIBLE IN OUR LIFETIME. IT IS PASSING THE BUCK TO GENERATIONS AHEAD No safe disposal site in over 70+ years Discussing for generations has not produce solutions Discussions are for WAR industry to continue its games Threatening Normal lIfe on our planet
CNSC BOARD SUFFERS FROM PHDitis Knowing everything about Nothing Married to past with footnotes Future vision is limited due to footnote addiction
CNSC high spot of Respectability Linda Keen took a principled courageous stand against Licence violations with respect to Chalk River NRU nuclear Reactor in 2008 Unfortunately the then Government of Stephen Harper discharged her to please the Nuclear industry & War industry that hides behind it. Such courage and Nuclear responsibility has been lacking at CNSC since then.
Seismically Tested Backup Electric Supply In 2008: Chalk River NRU violated Licence violation to mitigate effects of earthquake damage that may cause total station black out & core damage causing large unexpected radioactivity releases. Surprisingly similar chain of events at Fukushima in Japan that caused station black out and backup electric supply failed that led to triple meltdown in 2011. Fact remains Fukushima releases are still continuing to contaminate Pacific ocean and the world at large. No Nuclear Expert is the world has risen to the occasion to fix the Fukushima challenges. But their PHDitis continue to talk not act.
Nuclear Liability Act TIME TO CLOSE ALL NUCLEAR STATIONS! Covers the Nuclear Liability of the Nuclear Industry. No other industry has such insurance coverage Let us call it a SWEET HEART DEAL FOR NUCLEAR BULLIED WORLD Your home insurance does not cover you for Nuclear fallout Why is Nuclear Industry given a favourable treatment? If they cannot afford the insurance or cannot get it from Insurance Industry then let them shut down. TIME TO CLOSE ALL NUCLEAR STATIONS!