Mass Production Debriefing SSUSH16 b. Identify Henry Ford, mass production, and the automobile
Mass Production Introduced in 1913 by Henry Ford to build the Model T. Ford’s goal was to create a production process that was so efficient that the product would become affordable to all consumers. Automobiles that the “everyday” man could afford Efficiency would make the product cheaper because more could be created for less.
Skilled Workers Mass production changed the amount of skill needed by individuals to manufacture a product. Workers trained in one particular skill needed for production along an assembly line, and in less time and for less cost were able to produce a product that reflected a high degree of skill. Mass production also created the need for supervisors and managers, establishing a hierarchy in the workplace.
Mass Production Ford used mass production He built his cars on an assembly line where each worker had a specific job to do This helped speed up the building process, thus reducing the cost of automobiles
Innovation & Technology Mass production required innovation, including advancements in technology, & the involvement of other specialties, including: Accountants to manage finances Sales representatives to market the product Specialists in the design and manufacture of particular products. Success hinged on not only the capabilities of one or a few individuals, but also on people working as a team.
Success of the Model T and Mass Production By 1924, the Model T sold for under $300, affordable for many Americans now making around $1,300 annually. Original cost: $825 This occurred with wages increasing, which started with Ford’s “5 dollar day” for his assembly line workers. The automobile changed how Americans lived It allowed them to travel greater distances much quicker Helped the growth of the economy in other sectors including: Rubber, Steel, Glass, Oil
Practice Question The above photo taken in 1923 shows workers in a Ford Assembly plant. What was the impact of the Ford assembly line? A. the assembly line proved to be an unsuccessful factory system. B. the assembly line spurred legislation friendly to labor unions. C. the assembly line revolutionized American manufacturing. D. the assembly line helped to integrate the defense industry.