LAKE PROTECTION GRANTS Eligible Activities State Stats. 281.69 (3) Land Acquisition & Easements - $200,000 Wetland & Shoreland Restoration - $100,000 Local Ordinance Development - $50,000 Activities in an Approved Plan - $200,000 Lake Classification - $50,000
Shoreline Habitat Restoration Up to $100,000 Min. requirements for full financial assistance 35ft deep on 70% of lot per NR 115 3 layers of vegetation Perpetual deed $250 incentive payment Can include erosion & runoff control Grants can be just for technical assistance (planning & design) Technical Standard 643a “Shoreland Habitat”
How Shorelands are Regulated Minimum lot sizes Structure setbacks Lake 200’ View corridor How Shorelands are Regulated 35’ Buffer Buffer 75’ from OHWM Minimum lot sizes Structure setbacks Vegetative Cutting Filling/grading Nonconforming uses limited House Conserve Conservation accepts that change or development happens and seeks to minimize loss, retain some functions while accepting some overall loss. Regulations are the main tool here NR 115 70/30/35, setbacks Mitigation Chap 30 Wetland laws 100’
Why a Deed Restriction? Public funds invested in private property. Public funds invested in private property. Shouldn’t be paying landowners to comply with shoreland zoning ordinances Zoning is not protective and can change Landowners will change and “undo” the restoration NR 115 relationship is strong buffer was visionary as a multi function min with no thought to on site water management – research show water is chanelled through the unbuffered VAC Anticipated septic replacement in the setback well-they thought we would get smarter We are – we know a lot more
Opportunities Under Plan Implementation Planning Grants are available to monitor and assess shoreline condition and put it in a management plan. Three-tiered Monitoring Approach Identify the 3-10 things every riparian and lake organization should do on their property to protect their lakes. Enhance Shoreland Vegetation Control Runoff Etc. Make it easy for them to do that. Immediate Reward for Lake Planning If you have a management plan that has a goal to “X” We have a package that’s like a menu at some restaurants where you check you selection and toppings, drink etc and complete your own bill that you submit to the waitress. Complete the check box. You have a checking account to do good things. We can always add to the menu Keep permanent conservation as the gold standard
The Menu Administration Promotion and Recognition Technical Assistance Ordering and distributing plants and materials Site visits and sketch plans Installation/certification Shoreland Plants Shoreland plantings w/in 35 ft Other plantings Runoff Management Rain Gardens Permeable Paving Removing impervious surface, structures in 35 ft. Infiltration pits and trenches Side yard buffers Gulley and erosion repair Other runoff management In-lake habitat Fish stix Aquatic plantings Capped at some percentage (10? 25?) of total project costs(Burying drain tile from downspouts to disperse water underground and redirect to, side yard swale or rain garden Spreaders and energy dissipaters to convert concentrated flow to sheet flow Adding gutters and downspouts or reconfiguring them to move water discharges to a better location Rain barrels After Surface overland flow ($ sq/ft) Clean water diversions – diverting and dispersing overland flow away from the lake into side and rear yards with small berms and swales Water bars across paths and slope to break up and disperse concentrated flow diverting or breaking up concentrated flow, seed and re-vegetate bare exposed soil Minimizing and mitigating impervious surfaces ($ 15? sq/ft) Replacing impervious surface with porous paving blocks Remove and dispose of structures and concrete Coupons for local nurseries, DNR nursery, group buys Coupons for local nurseries, DNR nursery, group buys
Shoreland Stewardship Initiative Incentivize and remove barriers for better shoreland management Streamlined Incentives (grants) Education Outreach Campaign Contractor and Staffing Training Recognition? Why? Take on larger NPS watershed issues we have to have our (glass) house in order Walk the talk for our bigger challenges Forget about regulation saving the day – support it, make it work, show examples Nonpoint source is death by a thousand cuts Healed only by a thousand actions Opportunities Life on the Edge DNR funding through workplanning Staff Training – Roll out $ w/ Pat’s Guide – Counties as service provider
THE CHALLENGE What will work, what won’t What messages, who best to deliver How do we put what you learned into practice? Does it have to be uniform? Money isn’t a barrier Technology isn’t a barrier Dec 2014 – Consolidated grant application $ isn’t really the barrier, right? We have the $ and the tech. but we need the customers. So how do we do that?