What is Engineering?
Definition of Engineering Many definitions of "engineering" exist. Engineering involves finding solutions to practical problems using math, science and creativity. The key concept here is "finding solutions to problems."
Definition of Engineering The engineer finds the answer to the question, "How can we do this?" Math and science are two of the engineer’s major tools, but an engineer is more than just a mathematician or a scientist.
Definition of Engineering The American Heritage Dictionary defines engineering as: "The application of scientific and mathematical principles to practical ends such as the design, manufacture, and operation of efficient and economical structures, machines, processes, and systems."
Comparing Engineering and Science Scientist Engineer A mathematician studies math, attempting to figure out the properties of numbers and describe the related patterns. Sometimes math relates to the real world and sometimes it does not An engineer is only interested in real-world math; the rest of mathematics is of no practical use to an engineer. If a practical use is found for a seemingly theoretical mathematical concept, at which point engineers become very interested.
Comparing Engineering and Science Scientist Engineer A scientist is interested in the properties of the real world. However, some properties of the universe cannot be put to practical use. An astronomer wants to know about the motion of stars or their evolution over billions of years. However interesting that information may be, it is not pertinent to an engineer if it cannot help solve problems. The occupation of "stellar engineer" exists only in fiction.
Comparing Engineering and Science Scientist Engineer Plenty of chemicals have no known use, though scientists and chemists continue to study, test, compare and describe them. Chemicals that cannot solve practical problems are of no interest to the engineer. An engineer may study chemistry and use it in his/her problem solving, but this does not make an engineer a chemist.
Comparing Engineering and Technology Engineering is sometimes confused with technology, but the two concepts are not the same. Engineering and technology are both concerned with applying scientific knowledge to the solution of practical problems.
Comparing Engineering and Technology Technology is normally thought of only in connection with tools and crafts that are used to make physical objects. Engineering is broader. Engineers take existing technologies and use them to solve real life problems.
Comparing Engineering and Technology For example, scientists developed a new technology that allows distance to be measured using ultrasonic waves. Engineers took this technology and created a system that warns a driver when he gets too close to objects behind him while driving in reverse
Comparing Engineering and Technology Ultra Sonic Sensors
Comparing Engineering and Technology Auto Parking Assistant