STEP TEAM TRYOUTS *MUST HAVE YOUR OWN RIDE* Date: Tuesday May 15th and Wednesday May 16th (must attend both days) Time: 3:20-5:00pm Where: Cafe What to Wear: White Shirt, Appropriate Shorts, Tennis Shoes *MUST HAVE YOUR OWN RIDE*
Upcoming events AP World History, May 17th AP Human Geo, May 18th
College Classes Friday, May 18, 2018 EDUC Period 6 – Rm. 302, Go to C Lunch Period 7 – 3rd Floor Sociology Period 6 – Rm. 110 Go to C Lunch LSC Art Appreciation Period 5 – Rm. 300 Period 6 – Rm. 113 Go to C Lunch Period 7 – Rm. 113
Virtual Classes, Study Hall, any classes scheduled at Lone Star College Period 5 – Media Center, Rm. 115 Period 6 – Media Center, Rm. 115, Go to A Lunch Period 7 – Media Center, Rm. 115 Period 8 – Media Center, Rm. 115
Class of 2020 Presents: SECA Color Run WHO? ALL GRADES WHEN? Thursday, May 31st, 2018 (After Yearbook Signing) WHERE? Outside Parking Lot WHY? Support your fellow sophomores! HOW MUCH? $10 for ticket + 75g Bag of Paint WHAT TO BRING: - A white shirt - $$ for concessions TUG - OF - WAR MUSIC Enjoy the last day of school with memories ! Do something fun instead of staying in class! JUMPROPE Destroy your friends with color ! PICTURES Tickets go on sale APRIL 30TH AT LUNCHES
Summer Volunteers needed Where: Spring early college Academy, front office When – June 11th through August 14th, Monday-Thursday Time: 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. or 12P.m. to 4 p.m. If you are available to volunteer please sign up in the front office. Thank you.
Volunteers needed at TCMS IF you are interested in volunteering during the Summer at Twin creeks MS, Monday - Thursday 8-4:30., email Ms. Lisa Brown at
Lone Star College-North Harris Discovery College is looking for student volunteers this summer. We need reliable, responsible individuals to assist in our camp classrooms. Discovery college is 4 weeks, starting June 12 and ending July 13, with no camps held the week of July 2. Volunteers can choose hours that suit them best, camps run Monday-Thursday, 8am-5pm. It is a lot of fun, great way to get those volunteer hours, and we want to support our ISD area students! All volunteers have to be 16+, be able to present an ID (current school ID is fine) as well as their social security card. interested students, please call 281-312-8452 or email Beverly Bodenhamer CE/CTE Advisor 281-312-1660
Volunteers need at link ES Link ES needs your help! We are having our Spring Carnival on May 19, 2018. We are starting our setup at 10:00 a.m. The Carnival will be from 12:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m. *Please sign up in the media center with ms. Dudley
The Care Van program is scheduled to visit Lone Star - North Harris on May 17, 2018 from 5:00pm-7:00pm to administer FREE meningitis vaccinations to any student who is between the ages of 16-18 and qualify. This is primarily for our high school students who will be attending Lone Star College in the summer or fall. The event will take place in the Women’s Resource Center (Students Services Building- 2nd Floor) and is hosted by Educational Talent Search.
WE have spirit shirts for sale at the front office for $5, see Ms. Claudia Sibrian at the front office
Spring Early College Graduation Date Date: Saturday, June 9, 2018 Time: 4:00 p.m. Location: Berry Center 8877 Barker Cypress Rd, Cypress, TX 77433
FOOD DELIVERED for students Students this is a reminder that only parents are allowed to deliver a lunch for you at school, and your parents can only bring a lunch for you.
Lost and Found If you have lost an item, please check the front office. Items not claimed after two weeks, will be donated. If you find a lost item, please turn it in to the front
Sack lunches Students if you will be returning on the 1 p.m. bus from Lone Star, please make sure to pick up your sack lunch before leaving to Lone Star. You will not be allowed to pick up a lunch from the cafeteria when you return. Additional Lunch Choices: Monday – Spicy Chicken Salad Tuesday – Turkey Manderin Salad or Cobb Salad Wednesday – Popcorn Chicken Salad Thursday – Spinach Bacon & Egg Salad or Spicy Chicken Salad