Senior Parent/Student Night Class of 2019 Monday, September 17, 2018 5:30pm-6:30pm
Pioneer Senior Bon Voyage Party Tradition since 1995 when an alcohol-related car accident claimed the life of a Pioneer Graduate on graduation night. School is transformed to provide games, inflatables, casino, prizes, food and more; giving Graduates a fun, safe, drug and alcohol-free environment. Pioneer Senior Bon Voyage Party
Pioneer Senior Bon Voyage Party Over 300 Graduates attend to celebrate as a class! June 6, 2018 from 10:30pm-4:00am, following graduation ceremony. Throwing a party for 300 people takes many hands. Please consider volunteering your time, donating a raffle prize, a personal or corporate donation.
Pioneer Senior Bon Voyage Party To Volunteer or Donate Money or Raffle Prizes, please contact Anne Steinhauer at 734-476-6499 To download a senior ticket order form and/or learn more, please visit the Pioneer PTSO website and click on the Bon Voyage tab: Ticket sales only cover half the cost Volunteer leading up to the party or during the event
Senior Staff Class Principal – Mr. Kevin Hudson 5 Class Principal – Mr. Kevin Hudson Class Secretary – Ms. Elam Career Center Director - Mr. Jacob McLouth Records Secretary - Ms. Deidre Banks Counselors Ms. Sara Vance– A - CH Mr. Kevin Kilgore – Ci - G Ms. Connie Akins – H - K Ms. Chris Woods – L - O Ms. Stephanie Carter – P - So Mr. Christopher Kasper – Sp – Z Ms. Colleen Creal – 9th grade
CAREER RESOURCE CENTER College Representative Visits Assistance with college applications Scholarship Information and workshops Contact Jake McLouth at
Important Dates 7 10/9/18 - FAFSA Workshop Night. Representatives from UofM will be on hand to assist 10/12/18 - Last day to submit request for recommendation to counselors to ensure the letters will be uploaded by the early notification deadlines of November 1, 2018 12/3/18 - Last day to submit request for recommendations to ensure they will be uploaded by winter break this includes applications with January 1- 15 deadlines)
Important Dates 5/1/19 - Deposit deadline for college admission 8 1/15/19 - Scholarship Information Night 5/1/19 - Deposit deadline for college admission 5/6-17/19 - AP Testing 5/17/19 - Prom 6/6/19 - Graduation of the Class of 2019
Steps in Applying to College 9 Complete Student Profile and Parent Brag Sheet CAREFULLY READ DIRECTIONS FOR EACH APPLICATION! Make a master calendar with all due dates and deadlines Most college applications are completed entirely online
Steps in Applying to College 10 Give teachers at least three weeks notification for recommendations Please allow up to three weeks for counselors to process recommendation letters and complete applications Computers for student use are available in the Counseling Office, Career Center and Media Center
Testing and Transcript Information 11
Recommendations 12 Counselor recommendations are based on: Student Profile, Parent Brag Sheet, the student interview and the transcript Students will be contacted by their current counselor if more information is needed for letters Students/Parents can provide updated information to current counselors via email
UPDATE ON FAFSA OCTOBER 1, 2018 NEW DATE TO START ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR FINANCIAL AID October 9. 2018 - UofM will be on hand to assist in out FAFSA Workshop Night
Staying on Track Senior Year 14 Remember the STUDENT is applying to college— encourage and help stay on track but be sure student is doing the work Maintain a rigorous schedule the entire year Do not drop academic classes second semester Admission can be rescinded if grades slip and academic rigor decreases Make good choices!!!
We are here for you!! We will not miss deadlines… do not miss yours! 15 We will not miss deadlines… do not miss yours! Good Luck!! And NOW Naviance…
Naviance Information 16 Naviance is a secure way to send transcripts and recommendation letters Over 2,000 schools use Naviance Students log into Naviance through “Clever” Let’s take a look at Naviance