Written by: Genre: Skill: Cause and Effect Author’s Purpose: Wings Written by: Genre: Skill: Cause and Effect Author’s Purpose:
Say It! swooping attention drifting glaring complained struggled giggled
More Words to Know gawk snickered
swooping flying through the air
attention interest
drifting floating away
glaring staring angrily
complained whined
struggled tried hard to move
The boat was drifting out to sea.
The boat was drifting out to sea.
The bats were swooping through the air.
The bats were swooping through the air.
I gave the teacher my best attention by looking at her.
I gave the teacher my best attention by looking at her.
Tim complained about feeling sick all the time.
Tim complained about feeling sick all the time.
The team struggled to win the game.
The team struggled to win the game.
Lisa giggled when she heard the joke.
Lisa giggled when she heard the joke.
Gary glared at his brother after their fight.
Gary glared at his brother after their fight.
Let’s review our words. Watch carefully because they will flash on the screen for just a moment. We will clap as we spell the word.