Lesson objectives Objectives: To define the terms conjugal roles, joint and segregated conjugal roles with reference to relevant scholars. (d) To understand that roles within the family are a social construction. (d) To understand the arguments for conjugal roles being joint. (c) To understand the arguments for conjugal roles being segregated. (c) To come to a reasoned conclusion as to whether conjugal roles are becoming more equal in modern society (b) Conjugal roles are the roles of the man and woman [husband and wife] in the home.
What factors have influenced the Gender roles within a family past and present? You have 5 minutes to mind map as many ideas as you can, be ready to share!
What factors have influenced the Gender roles within a Female dependency On men industrialisation What factors have influenced the Gender roles within a family past and present? Availably of Contraception Life expectancy Family size 1860’s: 6 – 7 children 1870’s: mc ltd – stratified diffusion to wc 1990’s – below 2 Female employment marriage Role models through The media
Check your understanding Complete the gap fill on housework
Your tasks 1) Read the notes on conjugal roles carefully and complete the 15 knowledge check questions. You have 20 minutes for this task
Exam Link: How can we use all of that information in an exam? (C) Suggest 3 ways the housewife role is a social construction (6 marks) Pick 3 from your list and explain them C and up answers will show that things that are social constructions change over time because society does! Key term definition: Social construction "invented" or "constructed" by participants in a particular culture or society that exists because people agree to behave as if it exists or follow certain conventional rules.
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Using conjugal roles in the exam 1.What are the key words in this question? What could we include? 2. What family structures (types and set ups) can you think of? Have these increased or decreased in the past 50 years? Now read the model answer and decide what marking band it comes into and why
Homework Outline and explain two sociological arguments for changes in women’s roles (10 marks) Due Monday p4