Questionnaire Development Khim Narith Freelance Consultant M&E Specialist
Outlines Introduction to Questionnaire Understanding Your Objectives Sources of Information Data Collection Techniques Determining the Content of Individual Question Designing the Question to Overcome the Respondent's Inability to Answer
Outlines Designing the Question to Overcome the Respondent's Unwillingness to Answer Selecting the Question Structures Determining the Question Wording Arranging the Questions in Proper Oder Choosing the Form and Layout Pretesting the Questionnaire
What Is Questionnaire? A set of printed or written questions with a choice of answers, devised for the purposes of a survey or statistical study
What Is Questionnaire?
Understanding Your Objectives What are the objectives of your questionnaire? What does the organization really want to know from those objectives? What do you want to know to help you better analyze and write the report?
Sources of Information From whom do you want to gather the information? Consider the followings Age Language Technology Location Education Attitudes and beliefs The questionnaire should be designed based on type of informant.
Data Collection Techniques Focus Group Discussion In-Depth Interview
Data Collection Techniques Experiment Observation At Field At Lab
Designing Questionnaire Based on a Data Collection Technique Phone Interview: I will read to you the names of some telecom companies in Cambodia. Please rate them in terms of your preference. Use a five-point scale, where 1 denotes not so preferred and 5 denotes greatly preferred. (READ ONE AT A TIME) COMPANY Not So Preferred Greatly Preferred 1 2 3 4 5 1. Metfone 2. Mfone 3. Hello 4.Mobitel 5.Smart 6. Beeline 7.StarCell
Designing Questionnaire Based on a Data Collection Technique Face to Face Interview: (HAND TELECOM BRAND CARDS TO THE RESPONDENT.) Here is a set of telecom company names in Cambodia, each written in a separate card. Please examine the card carefully (GIVE RESPONDENT TIME) Now please examine these cards again and pull out the card that has the name of the company you like the most. (RECORD THE CARD NAME AND KEEP THIS CARD WITH YOU). Now, please examine the remaining six cards. Of these remaining six names, what is your most preferred company? (REPEAT THIS PROCEDURE SEQUENTIALLY UNTIL THE RESPONDENT HAS ONLY ONE CARD LEFT) CARD RANK COMPANY NAME 1st . ……………………………………………. ……………………………………… 2nd . ……………………………………………. 3rd . ……………………………………………. 4th . ……………………………………………. 5th . ……………………………………………. 6th . ……………………………………………. 7th . …………………………………………….
Determining the Content of Individual Question Is the Question Necessary? Some information is nice to know but not necessary Are Several Questions Needed Instead of One? In some cases, two questions are better than one. But not asking two questions in one EX. Do you think Metfone offers better variety and rates than Mobitel? (INCORRECT) Do you think Metfone offers better rates than Mobitel? Do you think Metfone offers better variety than Mobitel? (CORRECT)
Is the Respondent Informed? Designing the Question to Overcome the Respondent's Inability to Answer Is the Respondent Informed? Husband may not be informed about monthly expenses Children might not be informed about family income Can the Respondent Remember? What telecom advertisings did see last night on CTN? (NOT RECOMMENDED) Which of these telecom companies were advertised last night on CTN (RECOMMENDED) Can the Respondent Answer Clearly? Respondents may be unable to answer certain types of questions precisely. Ex. How did you feel when you heard that your name was selected as $10000 winner from Mobitel? Visual aids (picture, diagrams, maps) and verbal descriptions should be provided
Designing the Question to Overcome the Respondent's Unwillingness to Answer Effort Required of the Respondent – design it to make participant pay less effort to answer Ex.. Please list all the merchandises which you purchased on your most recent shopping trip to a department store. (Incorrect) In the list that follows, which of merchandises did you purchase on your most recent shopping trip to a department store (Correct) 1. Women’s Dresses No Yes 2. Men’s Apparel 3. Children’s Apparel 4. Cosmetics 5. Jewelry 6. Other (please specify)
Designing the Question to Overcome the Respondent's Unwillingness to Answer Sensitive Information – included money, family life, political and religious beliefs, and involvement in accidents or crimes. Ex. What is your household’s exact annual income? (incorrect) (Correction) Which one of the following categories best describes your household’s annual income? 1. Under $2500 2. $2501 - $5000 3. $ 5001 - $7500 4. Over $7500
Choosing Question Structure Specify the set of responses as well as their format. It refers to multiple choice, two options, or a scale. 1- Multiple-Choice Questions: Provides a choice of answers, respondent is asked to select one or more of the given alternatives. Ex. Which of the following organizations are working in Education Sector? 1. BBC Media Action 2. Save the Children 3. MSIC 4. VSO 5. VVOB 6. CCC
Choosing Question Structure 2- Two-Option Questions: Provides with only two response alternatives such as yes and no, male and female. Ex. Do you intend to use our new product? 1. Yes 0. No 3- Scale Questions: Provides a scale of alternatives to the respondent to select. Ex. How much do you like our new product? Scaling from 0 to 10. where 0 denotes not so like and 10 denotes greatly like. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Determining the Question Wording 1. Define the Issue – Questions should always define clearly. Ex. Which brand of toothpaste do you use? (Not clear) WHO – The Respondent (It is not clear whether this question related to the individual respondent or the respondent’s total household) WHAT– The Brand of Toothpaste (It is not clear how the respondent is to answer this question if more than one brand is used) WHEN – Unclear (The time frame is not specified in this question. The respondent could interpret it as meaning the toothpaste used this morning, this week, or over the past year) WHERE – Not Specified (At home, at the gym, on the road) (Correction) Which brand or brands of toothpaste have you personally used at home during the past month? In case of more than one brand, please list all the brands that apply.
Determining the Question Wording 2- Use Simple Words --- Avoid using technical word as possible Ex. Is the distribution of Angkor Beer adequate? (Incorrect- some people might not know the word “Adequate”) (Correction) – Is Angkor Beer readily available when you want to buy it? 3- Use Unambiguous Words --- Select any word that has only one meaning. Ambiguous words included “Usually, normally, often, regularly, occasionally, and sometimes. Ex. In a typical month, how often do you make call to your family? 1. Never 2. Occasionally 3. Sometimes 4. Often 5. Regularly 1. Less than once 2. 1 or 2 times 3. 3 or 4 times 4. More than 4 times
Determining the Question Wording 4- Avoid Producing Leading or Biasing Questions – Giving a clue for respondent to answer Ex. Do you think that America should provide financial aid to poor foreign countries when it is not our responsibility to do so? 1. Yes 0. No 99. Don’t Know Is Hello your favorite telecom company? 1. Yes 0. No 99. Don’t Know Do you think that America should provide financial aid to poor foreign countries? 1. Yes 0. No 99. Don’t Know What is your favorite telecom company? 1. Mobitel 2. Hello 3. Metfone 4. Other…………….
Arranging the Questions in Proper Oder Should start with general questions Ex. Angkor Beer Company designed a questionnaire to determine its consumers’ motivations for buying the products. Here is the order of its questionnaire 1. Awareness of the company (Angkor Beer) 2. Perceptions of the company 3. Communication with company 4. Consumption experiences 5. Demographic information
Choosing the Form and Layout The format, spacing, and positioning can have a significant effect on the result. Thus, make sure the format is simple and easy to understand Q1. Does your household currently own a TV? 0- No 1- Yes (IF YES, GO TO Q2, IF NO GO TO Qx) Q2. Is it a black and white or color one? 1- Black and White 2- Color Q3. How often do you watch it per week? 1. Less than once 2. 1 or 2 times 3. 3 or 4 times 4. More than 4 times
Pretesting the Questionnaire Pretesting refers to testing the questionnaire on a small sample of respondents Usually 15 to 30 participants are recommended It should be conducted with a similar group It should be done by personal interviews even the actual survey is to be conducted by telephone