Key Subject Content Pages Kesha M. Watson, Section Technology Specialist John B. Isbister, Publications and Content Officer Editor’s Symposium September 27, 2012
The Section of Litigation has over 61,000 members.
They are members because of the Section’s content and publications. The main reason people belong to Sections is content. Most likely stay in ABA if members of Sections, we believe because they are getting its content.
So much content so little time!!! There are flagship publication such as Litigation and Litigation News, Sound Advice Audio, Section CLE Programs, Books and numerous articles produced by one of the 42 Section Committees. SAC, ABA Annual, three CLE conferences, two national institutes, about 2 dozen teleconferences an a number of regional meetings.
Key Subject Content Pages. The Section is throwing members a lifesaver! Key Subject Content Pages. For this very reason, the Section of Litigation is introducing a new member benefit through the Key Subject Content Pages. Content pages on the Section webpage would provide members with an additional benefit by aggregating in one web location all recent Section content in all forms on a number of the most popular and frequently encountered litigation practice topics.
Where are the pages? To locate the Key Subject Content Pages: Start at the Section of Litigation Homepage Click on the Resources and Key Subjects tab in the left navigation ***Since the Content Pages are a new feature to the website they are also accessible via the Popular Resources section of the Homepage for a temporary period.
What is on the pages? The content pages are stored in the Resource & Key Subjects portion of the site. This page allows you to view the topics currently offered and other useful resources provided by the Section such as Litigation 101 and Sound Advice.
Where are the pages? You can also access the Key Subjects pages via your Section Monthly Email.
Where are the pages? Coming soon, you will be able to access the content page related to each article at the bottom of article’s page.
What is on the pages? Topics currently offered include: Attorney-Client Privilege, Deposition/Witnesses, Direct and Cross Examination at Trial, and E-Discovery. Let’s take a quick peak at the Attorney-Client Privilege page to understand how these pages are setup.
What is on the pages? Content Page Layout Content captured by the content pages would include e-newsletter articles and features, web and journal articles, Litigation News features, sound advice and other podcasts, CLE written materials, and books. Each content page has a similar layout. Each page addresses a main topic and then breaks down into the most relevant subtopics for each subject matter. For instance, the Attorney-Client Privilege page breaks down into the following subtopics: Waiver Experts Special Issues More In-depth Audio and Books Every Content page contains a Special Issues, More In-depth, Audio, and Books section.
The role YOU play! While the content pages are a great new tool, we will need your help to keep them up-to-date and relevant. But no worries! We have made the process as easy as 1, 2, 3… As new content is created by the Section and distributed through existing channels, that content would be simultaneously posted to the appropriate content page. When submitting an article, news & development, case note, or other piece of content, please include any relevant categories and subtopics featured on the Content Pages Submittal Form. Be sure to consider careful what Categories and subtopics best fit your content. The Content Pages Submittal Form is located under Resources on the Editor’s Resource Center webpage. Please include this form when submitting your content to your committee’s designated Publications Staff Editor. The submitted content will then be posted on your committee’s webpage. When this post is active, your Publications Staff Editor will pass your request and the Content Pages Submittal Form on to the Technology Staff member. Your content will then be added under the categories and subtopics include on the content pages form. As information is available, the content pages will be updated on a weekly basis.
Communicate and educate your committee leadership. Education about content pages will be provided generally during plenaries at upcoming leadership meetings. Below are the primary producers of content to be educated: Committee Chairs Subcommittee Chairs Committee Editors First Chair Press Litigation News Litigation Journal CLE Conferences and Institutes (written materials) Sound Advice and Podcasts In addition to email communications, the committee editors will be educated during the annual editors’ symposium while First Chair Press, Litigation News, and Litigation Journal will be educated during Division II meetings.
Guidelines and Submittal Form The Key Subject Content Page Guidelines and Content Pages Submittal Form will be stored on the Editor’s Resource Center webpage. Guidelines and Submittal Form The Key Subject Content Page Guidelines and Content Pages Submittal Form will be stored on the Editor’s Resource Center webpage. The Guidelines and Form for updating the content pages will be posted following the Fall Leadership Meeting. EDITOR’S RESOURCE CENTER KEY SUBJECT CONTENT PAGES GUIDELINES CONTENT PAGES SUBMITTAL FORM