Bella Vista Junior Parent Information Meeting Class of 2020
Stay In Touch with BV BV Newsflash –Weekly e-mail Student Bulletin Marquee Q/Parent Portal Student Handbook Website:
Attendance Information If student is ill during the school day they must go to the Attendance Office to contact parent. If a student is late they must check in at the attendance office Absences need to be cleared within 5 days Students may never leave campus during the school day without a yellow “Early Dismissal”
Homework Requests Missing 3 or more days may request homework by calling the front desk (916) 971-5051 Missing less than 3 days should contact the teacher by email or phone for assignments Home/Hospital is available if student will be out a minimum of 4 consecutive weeks. Short Term Independent study is designed for students who will miss school for 5 days or more. A 5 day prior notice is needed.
Graduation Requirements English 40 credits Mathematics 20 credits Social Studies 35 credits Life Science 10 credits Physical Science 10 credits Physical Education 20 credits Health 2.5 credits Economics 5 credits Visual/Performing Arts 10 credits 220 Credits
Life after BVHS POST-SECONDARY PLANNING What are your plans?
College Requirements Four year State Colleges and Universities have required classes for admission Private Universities also have requirements Community Colleges do not require A-G completion Encourage your student to stay on track for A-G completion A Rigorous Senior Year is Important
COLLEGE Admissions A-G Minimum Subject requirements are: (A) 2 year of History/Social Science (B) 4 years of English (C) 3 years of Mathematics (through Integrated math 3 ) (D) 2 years of science —must be lab based science courses (E) 2 years of LOTE -Language other than English (F) 1 year Visual or Performing Art (G) 1 College prep elective course
College Athletics: Must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center Junior year online and send a transcript to be recruited for Division 1 and some Division 2 colleges NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics) many division 2 and 3 colleges are members of NAIA
What Colleges and Employers Are Looking For : Well-Rounded Student with: Strong academics Extra-curricular activities Volunteer work and Work experience Awards or special achievements Leadership Experiences, Passion Technical, Interpersonal, & Organizational Skills World Languages
College and Career Center Career Center located in the library open at lunch for students to research: College/Career Information Naviance Scholarships Financial Aid Information College Visit Schedule If you would like to volunteer at the CCC email: or call (916)971-5083
College Representatives at BV Many college reps visit BV through out the Fall. These are announced in the school bulletin Students must sign-up in the counseling office to attend these visitations
SJUSD College events 9/13 College Night at Rio Americano 6-8pm 9/30 College Sunday at Mira Loma
UC Eligibility Requirements 4 years math recommended 3 years science reccomended 3 years LOTE recommended
Examination Requirement ACT with Writing or SAT with Writing by December of Senior year; some schools will only accept tests taken until October 2018 Some campuses may recommend SAT Subject Tests for specific majors
Grade Point Average Requirement Based on “a-g” courses completed in 10th and 11th grades, including summer courses Minimum 3.00 weighted GPA (for CA Residents) Minimum 3.40 weighted GPA (for non-CA Residents) Recommend: looking at GPA average admittance rate for schools
Tests, Tests, Tests EAP: Spring 2018 in class with Smarter Balance (Need for CSU and some community colleges for placement) Math and English Placement exams- UC and community colleges PSAT: October 10, 2018 National Merit Qualifier SAT/ACT with Writing Spring 2019, try to improve and test again BEFORE October 2019
Comprehensive Review Factors Academic: Grade-point average Test scores Performance in and number of courses beyond minimum a-g requirements UC-approved honors courses and advanced courses Eligibility in the Local Context (CA residents only) Quality of senior-year program of study Non-Academic: Achievements in special projects Improvement in academic performance Special talents, achievements and awards Participation in educational preparation programs Academic accomplishment in light of life experiences Geographic location *Note: No single factor determines admission
Personal Insight Questions Freshman applicants must respond to four short-answer prompts chosen from eight options. There is no advantage or disadvantage to choosing certain prompts over others, and each response is limited to a maximum of 350 words. Word Count: 1,000 words total Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time. Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.
Personal Insight Questions Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced. Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement? Describe your favorite academic subject and explain how it has influenced you. What have you done to make your school or your community a better place? What is the one thing that you think sets you apart from other candidates applying to the University of California? What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?
Additional Comments Section Use Additional Comments box for clarification and expansion of important details Describe anything else that you have not had the opportunity to include elsewhere in your application Limit of 550 words The Additional Comments section is not required
Average UC Cost of Attendance (2017-18) Living on campus Living off Campus Tuition and fees* $13,900 Books and supplies $1,200 Health insurance allowance/fee $2,300 Room and board $15,400 $11,800 Personal/transportation $1,900 $2,400 TOTAL $34,700 $31,600 The net cost actually is much less for about two-thirds of UC’s undergraduate students because they receive gift aid. FAFSA: 10/1/19-3/2/20 (must use 2018 tax information)
California’s Middle Class Scholarship (MCS) program provides scholarships to undergraduate California students who apply for aid by March 2 and have family incomes and household assets up to $150,000. Eligible students will be notified of the actual scholarship amount by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC).
College Entrance Exams (SAT/ACT) Students must release their scores to the colleges they are applying to… Exams must be completed by December 2018 for consideration Several colleges have an October 2019 deadline Check each college website for their deadline since they can vary SAT information ACT information
Private/Independent and Out State College Applications Most Private/Independent Colleges use an online application service such as: Common Application,, Many require a personal essay/statement You must check deadlines and requirements online Letters of recommendation from teachers, mentors, coaches and school counselor are usually required
Naviance Family Connection It is a web-based resource that will help students explore careers Colleges scholarships To access go to: Bella Vista Web-page and click on Naviance Family Connection
Community College Classes 16 years and older GPA 2.7+ Cost varies Only courses not offered at BV Mrs. Hodge or Mrs. Penbera’s signature is required GRADES ARE ON PERMANENT COLLEGE RECORD Must still attend 6 classes at BV
Credit Recovery APEX courses zero and 6th period Many courses available 1 semester course At students pace For making up failed courses See counselor to sign up
Questions? Worries? Sounds Crazy? Website—for all documents and this PPT Read Daily Bulletin on website Check Counseling Office section on website If it’s Academics: 1. your student 2. his/her teacher 3. his/her counselor If it’s Behavior/Attendance: 1. your student 2. his/her teacher 3. vice principal
Thank you. Go Broncos! This presentation is viewable on the Bella Vista website Principal – Dr. Kitchen Vice Principals – Mrs. Zeltvay (A-G), Mr. Irwin (H-O), Mrs. Karagianes (P-Z) ext. 5058 Special population counselor – Ms. Besso Junior Class Counselor– Ms. Casey ext. 5025