Modeling ULF waves, and comparison with observations for the 8 Oct 2013 shock event Foster et al, jgr sub LFM-simulated shock arrival; Propagates nightside ~ 850km/s; Ephi < 0 accels electrons in drift resonance v = v(fast mode), Hudson, Kress, Paral…jgr prep
Measured & b) Simulated Ey at s/c B during shock arrival and following 4 hrs For 8 Oct 2013 CME shock event ULF Wave Energization Over Next Hr Optimum Energy For Drift Resonnce 2.86 – 4 mHz spectrum 3.6 MeV 2.85 MeV 4.5 MeV
*2 s/c allow determination of wave v->selects el energy*
Simulated Magnetopause Shadowing Loss for 17 March and 8 Oct
LFM-RCM simulated ULF wave power vs. L, f using ARTEMIS input SW input to LFM-RCM from ARTEMIS
Equatorial plane animation of E_phi showing mode structure; persistent simulated E_phi<0=westward following shock accelerates test particle electrons a) b) c) Shock arrival a); Propagates nightside b); Drop in Psw causes m’pause expansion c) Ephi < 0 accels electrons