Exploring Computer Science – Lesson 4-3 Scratch Dialogues Exploring Computer Science – Lesson 4-3
Objectives The students will be able to: • Develop a dialogue between two or more Scratch sprites. • Explain the reasoning behind how their ‘polite’ dialogue works.
Dialogues in Scratch Dialogues in scratch are created using “say” blocks
Knock Knock
Cats Telling Jokes… What’s the problem with that program? Why doesn’t it look like a conversation? Look around scratch and tell me how we can fix this?
For Half of Today… Create your own dialogue. You can use one of the knock- knock jokes I’ve provided for you on the back of your rubric. Or, you can use one of your own.
Rubric Do you… Points Possible What Do You Think? Have 2 sprites talking in dialogue? 20 Have a 3rd sprite talking in dialogue? 10 Have all the sprites acting politely and taking turns talking? Have each sprite saying at least 3 things? 15 Have the conversation starting after “when green flag clicked”? Have all sprites reinitialized (to their starting positions) “when green flag clicked”? Have correct grammar, punctuation, capitalization and spelling? Extra Credit Have 4 or more sprites talking in dialogue? TOTAL: 100