HIV/AIDS Expert Group Activities to implement the strategy Outi Karvonen Moscow 25.2.2010 18/01/2019 Presentation name / Author
Reported no. of HIV-infection per 100 000 inhabitants in the EPI-NORTH cooperation area, 2008 Source: and Northwest District AIDS Centre, St. Petersburg
Co-infections of HIV and TB in St. Petersburg 2000-2009 (A Co-infections of HIV and TB in St. Petersburg 2000-2009 (A. Panteleev, Tuberculosis hospital 2)
Presentation name / Author Goal 2: Prevention of HIV/AIDS and related diseases in the ND-area has improved Examples of activities 1. Prevention of HIV among drug users Development of working principles and practice in Low Threshold Service Health Centres (LTSC) for injecting drug users Based on this model LTSCs established in Latvia, Estonia, Murmansk, Kandalaksha, and negotiations going on elsewhere (Leningrad region) ENCAP project strengthening collaboration between the Baltic states 18/01/2019 Presentation name / Author
Presentation name / Author Goal 2 cont. 2. Prevention of HIV/TB co-infections and MDR TB Low threshold service centres – important role in reaching the right population Collaboration between LTSCs, AIDS centres and tuberculosis services established in practical and administrative level TB/HIV collaboration in Murmansk is a good example, new activities as a project proposal Project proposal with the Leningrad Region (collaboration with Finland and Estonia) Promoting testing for and treatment of communicable diseases among vulnerable groups in the Kaliningrad Region (Russia). NCM 18/01/2019 Presentation name / Author
Presentation name / Author Project proposals waiting for financing decision, related to the Goal 2 Development of low threshold services in the Leningrad Region (2010-2012). Coordination: THL, Finland HIV prevention among reproductive aged women in Karelia (Russia), 2010-2012. Coordination: THL, Finland Strengthening of municipal anti-drug networking in the Murmansk Region, 2010-2012, THL, Finland HIV/TB collaboration in Murmansk, 2010-2012, FILHA, Finland Continuation of: “Controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS in the Barents and Northern Dimension Partnership Programme Regions. Phase II”. Coordination: EG ITA 18/01/2019 Presentation name / Author
Project initiatives related to the Goal 2 Empowering Public Health System and Civil Society to Fight Tuberculosis Epidemic among Vulnerable Groups (TUBIDU). Aims at prevention of IDU- and HIV-related TB epidemic. Coordinated by the Estonian member of the EG. Will be applied from the EU Health Programme in March. Collaboration between the HIV/AIDS and Prison EGs. Initiative by the Polish vice-chair of the EG to develop a big project to implement the tasks of the Goal 2. Collaboration between the HIV/AIDS and Prison EGs Tuberculosis (+HIV) programme planned under the Finnish chairmanship of the Barents JWGHS. Prison and HIV EGs 18/01/2019 Presentation name / Author
Presentation name / Author Goal 3: Social and health care for HIV infected individuals in the ND area is integrated HIV work is closely linked with social care in prevention, treatment and care Project examples with special emphasis on social support: “Psychological and social support to HIV-infected women in Leningrad Oblast”, 2007-2009 “Further development of low threshold services in Murmansk and Kantalahti” 2008-2010 18/01/2019 Presentation name / Author
Presentation name / Author Other priority areas Prevention of HIV among MSM European MSM Internet survey on knowledge, attitudes and behaviour as to HIV and STI (project supported by EU). Coordinated by the German member of the EG. Policy issues: Enhancing voluntary testing and counselling and link to “secondary surveillance” according to WHO criteria. Harmonisation of Post exposure prevention guidelines New incidence surveillance – value for epidemiological research? 18/01/2019 Presentation name / Author
Presentation name / Author Long-term priorities Regional collaboration, (learning from each other) Prevention of HIV among drug users Prevention of HIV/TB dual infections Enhancing cross- border activities Prevention of HIV among men who have sex with men Close collaboration with social welfare Promoting harm reduction among IDU:s Prevention of mother-to-child transmissions 18/01/2019 Presentation name / Author
Presentation name / Author Next steps Expert Group meeting in 15-16 March in Saariselkä, Finland Autumn EG meeting possibly in Kaliningrad New projects to be launched New project proposals to be developed Logical Framework workshop on TB and HIV collaboration in June 18/01/2019 Presentation name / Author