Exometabolites exhibit directional changes over stationary phase in a three-member synthetic microbial community. Exometabolites exhibit directional changes over stationary phase in a three-member synthetic microbial community. Shown is a heat map of 977 mass feature changes over time within a three-member community, where samples are columns and features are rows. Each sample is the average of four time point replicates, each started independently from new cultures. Euclidean distance was calculated from Z-scored mass spectral profiles. Features with similar dynamics were clustered by Ward’s method. Letter designations for clusters were added post hoc to aid in discussion. “QC” is quality control series, an even composite of all experimental samples that was run at regular intervals on the mass spectrometer to assess instrument stability and feature consistency. John L. Chodkowski, and Ashley Shade mSystems 2017; doi:10.1128/mSystems.00129-17