Psalm 103 God’s heart for you
A wonderful psalm of praise to God God’s heart for you A wonderful psalm of praise to God A number of aspects of what God does for His children are recounted His heart towards us is revealed
He loves to help those in need (6 – 7) The poor The oppressed God’s heart for you He loves to help those in need (6 – 7) The poor The oppressed The orphans and widows
He is merciful to those who don’t deserve it (8) Compassionate God’s heart for you He is merciful to those who don’t deserve it (8) Compassionate Gracious Slow to anger Abounding in love
He does not give us what we deserve (9, 10) God’s heart for you He does not give us what we deserve (9, 10) He does not accuse us when we do wrong He keeps no record of our wrongs He does not repay us for our sins
He forgives all of our sins (11 -12) God’s heart for you He forgives all of our sins (11 -12) As far as the heavens are from the earth As far as the east is from the west
He understands that we are frail, weak (13) God’s heart for you He understands that we are frail, weak (13) He does not despise our weakness He is compassionate to His children He understands our fears when faced with powerful enemies
He understands that our life is short, limited (14 – 16) God’s heart for you He understands that our life is short, limited (14 – 16) He wants us to use our time wisely, with a purpose We may not be here for a long time but we can leave a legacy
He links us to eternity (17 – 19) God’s heart for you He links us to eternity (17 – 19) The importance of the “but” in verse 17 God has promised to be with His children and that we will be with Him for eternity Our eternal destiny is secure in His Almighty hands
The psalmist reminds us of our richness as God’s children God’s heart for you CONCLUSION The psalmist reminds us of our richness as God’s children We have an endless hope not a hopeless end God loves His weak, frail, needy, guilty children and will guide them safely home