Cohesion policy at the cutting edge of jobs and growth EDDY HARTOG Head of Unit REGIO.C1 EUROPEAN COMMISSION
EIS 2005 – Overall Innovation Performance of Member States Leading Average Losing ground Catching up Source : European Commission / DG ENTR D1
Regional Innovation Scoreboard data source RIS Indicator Source Human resources 1 Human Resources in Science and Technology – Core (% of population) Labour Force Survey 2 Participation in life-long learning (% of 25 – 64 years age class) 3 Employment in medium-high and high-tech manufacturing (% of total workforce) 4 Employment in high-tech services (% of total workforce) Knowledge creation 5 Public R&D expenditures (GERD – BERD) (% of GDP) R&D statistics 6 Business expenditures on R&D (BERD) (% of GDP) 7 EPO patent applications (per million population) Patent statistics
Regional innovation performance in Europe - 2006 Ranking of Nuts 2 regions 1-20 (top10%) 21-50 51-100 101-150 151-204 BE, PL4, PL5, PL6, UK : Nuts 1
CONCLUSION: ACTION AT REGIONAL LEVEL ESSENTIAL ON RTDI: 25% in infrastructures 37% in technology transfer/networks/partnerships 26% supporting research in universities and research institutes.
THE ROLE OF COHESION POLICY Governance (programming, partnership) Analysis (Evaluation, Regional Innovation strategies) Non-compartmentalised funding Instruments (BICs) Acting together (INTERREG) Exchange of experience ON RTDI: 25% in infrastructures 37% in technology transfer/networks/partnerships 26% supporting research in universities and research institutes.
Moving up a gear in experimentation Learn by working together (go beyond exchanging best practices) Use existing networks (Innovation Relay centres) and existing intermediaries Think creatively
2007-2013 options global grants working groups within the monitoring committee actions for inter-regional co-operation
2007-2013 preferred choice specific instrument (laboratory) specific financial allocation dedicated team implementation different from OP