Ima Student Mrs. Klaus 8th Grade February 23, 2018 Oskar Schindler Ima Student Mrs. Klaus 8th Grade February 23, 2018
A TARNISHED HERO Who was Oskar Schindler? It depends on where you look and whom you ask. For many, he was a hero who saved approximately 1,100 Jews from certain death at the hands of the Nazis ( For others, such as Professor David Crowe, he was a womanizer and a former spy for the Germans who had barely anything to do with the lists he is famous for (New York Times).
Early Life Schindler was a German Catholic who born in Svitavy (Zwittau), Moravia, in 1908. His father owned a factory, and his mother was a home maker. He also had a sister who was seven years younger. He was a popular kid, but he wasn’t the best student. He started trade school, but he never finished it. (Encyclopedia of World Biography) Map from
Works Cited “Oskar Schindler.”, A&E Networks Television, 22 July 2016, Smith, Dinitia. “Book Adds Layers of Complexityto the Schindler Legend.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 24 Nov. 2004, complexityto-the-schindler-legend.html.