Employment First Florida Grassroots Group Topic: Abilities Work Help Desk and Web Portal Online Meeting Tuesday, April 19 3:00-4:30pm EST
Employment First Florida Grassroots Group Employment First – looking for success stories Abilities Work Help Desk and Web Portal Wrap up and next steps Next Webinar: Self Advocacy – July 19, 2016 @ 3-4pm
Success – tell your story Systems Individuals Providers Are you a person with a disability who has a job? Sharing job stories is a good way to help people see how important employment is. After learning about your job, other people with disabilities may decide they want a job. And businesses might decide to hire someone with a disability after reading your story. Employment First Florida is interested to learn more about your work. You can tell us anything about your job, or you can answer these questions. How did you get your job? What do you like about your job? How many hours a week do you work? What other job would you like to have after this one?
Housekeeping Online participants Phone-only participants Please mute when you are not speaking *# Remain on the line after the webinar ends to fill out evaluation John K. Number slides and use the numbers Pause after each slide -Remain on the line. To ask more questions, to provide your mailing address or email to receive more info/follow up. We can remind them on final slide too.