Faculty of Computer Science and Management (foundation 1968) My name is Mariusz Mazurkiewicz, I’m vice dean of faculty of computer science and management. I’m responsible for international cooperation and students affairs. This acedemic year we celebrated 40 anniversary of foundation of our faculty. The faculty was founded by group of professors of Wrocław University of Technology focused on information management in aspect of supporting decision processes. First name of the faculty was faculty of economics and engineering. After 4 years according to the will of students and professors faculty changed the name into current name – faculty of Computer Science and Management. Mariusz Mazurkiewicz, Ph.D. Vice-Dean e-mail: mariusz.mazurkiewicz@pwr.wroc.pl
Faculties at Wrocław University of Technology Faculty of Architecture - W 1 Faculty of Civil Engineering - W 2 Faculty of Chemistry - W 3 Faculty of Electronics - W 4 Faculty of Electrical Engineering - W 5 Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology - W 6 Faculty of Environmental Engineering - W 7 Faculty of Computer Science and Management - W 8 Faculty of Mechanical and Power Engineering - W 9 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - W 10 Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology - W 11 Faculty of Microsystems Electronics and Photonics - W 12
Faculty on Wrocław University of Technology - facts Total number of WUT students: ~32 000. Total number of Faculty of Computer Science and Management: ~4 200. The second largest faculty on WUT. The Faculty of Computer Science and Management enrols every year about 800 students.
Faculty Departments Institute of Informatics, Institute of Organization and Management.
Faculty location 13 Oct 2004: President of RP Aleksander Kwaśniewski is opening a new builiding for the Faculty of Computer Science and Management and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Wrocław University of Technology
Academic Staff of W-8 7 11 71 5 12 59 23 130 Institute Full professors Others (Ph.D) Management 7 11 71 Computer Science 5 12 59 Total 23 130
Fields and systems of study Computer Science Management Engineer Bachelor of Science Master of Science Ph.D. study
Specializations and sub-specializations Computer Science Software Engineering Information Systems and Networks Computer Control Systems Fundamental Problems of Information Technology Management Business Management Financial Management Information Technology in Management
Study programme taught in english Computer Science Bachelors degree (engineer) (7 semesters) Master of Science on Wrocław (4 semesters) Computer Engineering, IT Master program, international master degree program, Information Systems (4 semesters). Management Master of Science, Business Information Systems (4 semesters).
Computer Science – Master Program Graduates profile The final effect of studies at the Master level is obtaining knowledge, skills and qualifications in accordance with “Teaching Standards” in the field of Computer Science. Fluent and creative knowledge application in the area of specialization, that means mathematical models designing, problems formulating and solving, problem oriented informatics systems analysis and testing Various methods and techniques utilization for problems interpreting, formulating and solving. Team work leading Ability to continue education and career development, especially continuing of education at the PhD level Qualifications that enable employment in informatics companies and organizations which apply informatics tools and system at the specialists and manager positions
Computer Engineering System Modelling and Analysis Advanced databases Semester 1 System Modelling and Analysis Advanced databases Advanced Topics in Artificial Inteligence Information System Modelling Semester 2 Parallel and distributed computing Foundation of knowledge engineering Software system development Advanced computer Network Semester 3 Preparatory project/seminar Applications and challenges of Computer Science Semester 4 Diploma Seminar MSc Thesis Computer Ethics
Management – Master Programm Graduates profile The final effect of studies at the Master level is obtaining knowledge, skills and qualifications in accordance with “Teaching Standards” in the field of Management. Flexible and creative knowledge included three basic subject’s groups: management, formal methods in decision making and application of informatics in management. Knowledge and skills obtained during the study give the graduates the possibility to find job in the management area (including software project management), as managers, analysts, advisors and consultants in business or in non-profit (public) organizations. Knowledge and skills obtained provide also a good basis for successful running an own business activity. Knowledge gained is also sufficient to apply for the PhD study in the area of formal methods and computer science applications in management.
Business Information Systems Semester 1 Information Systems Analysis Internet Information Services and Systems Management Accounting Management Logistics Operations Research Civil Law Macroeconomics Business Statistics Semester 2 Management Information Systems Modeling Management Information Systems Business Data Analysis Discrete Optimization and Network Flows Econometrics Management Ethics Essentials of Management Semester 3 Business Process Modeling Object Business Modeling Data Mining Games and Decisions in Management Commercial Law Organizational Psychology Semester 4 Foreign Language e-Economy Strategic Management MSc Thesis Diploma Seminar
Joint International Program Bachelor of Science, Information and Communication Management Wrocław University of Technology University of Applied Science Zittau/Goerlitz Technical University of Liberec
Joint International Program Master of Science, Information Technology http://www.it-master.org
Available paths for students – start at WUT
Available paths for students – start at Halmstad University
Outside cooperation For the best student we offer : participation on Google Adwords seminar finished by examination for GAP certificate, participation on preparatory courses to Cisco Certified Networking Associate, participation in scientific students society with preparations program to obtain Microsoft Certified Professional, access to preparatory projects in area Service Science, provided by IBM (nearest future).
IT branch in Wrocław (agencies of global companies) CapGemini, Nokia-Siemens, Google, Vipro, HP, VOLVO IT, IBM, Wasco.
Plans for the future Internationalization of study programme, Increasing of staff and students mobility, especially in the UE, Bachelors degree program taught in english on management, Achievement of QUESTE (Quality System of European Scientific and Technical Education-Vocational Education and Training) label for computer sciences specialization.
QUESTE-VET project partnership EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development), Brussels, Belgium ENQHEEI (European Network for Quality of Higher Engineering Education for Industry), Brussels, Belgium AUGC (Association Universitaire de Génie Civil – University Association of Civil Engineering), Montpellier, France CCIMP (Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Marseille Provence – Chamber of Commerce), Marseille, France CEFI (Comité d’Études sur les Formations d’Ingénieurs – Study Committee on Engineering Education), Paris, France Engineering Council UK, London, UK EPC (The Engineering Professors’ Council), Guildford, UK EUROCADRES (Council of European Professional and Managerial Staff), Brussels, Belgium EYE (European Young Engineers), Sindelfingen, Germany FTMV (Fakultätentag für Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik), Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany TU Eindhoven, Eindhoven, Netherlands WUT (Wroclaw University of Technology), Wroclaw, Poland.