Dinosaurs Autumn Science


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Presentation transcript:

Dinosaurs Autumn 1 2016 Science TASC-To create a dinosaur world with plants Pupils should be taught to Observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants. Find out and describe how plants need water, light, suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy. Additional information Label different parts of a plant. To complete a bean diary What do plants need to grow Investigate and name different plants Observe and identify different plants in local area Art TASC- To create own dinosaur as a collage. To use a range of materials creatively to design and make products. To develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space. Additional information To research different dinosaurs To investigate which materials needed for skin, feathers, scales, fur. To be able to join materials in different ways. To make the dinosaur collage. To evaluate the dinosaur collage and improve. R.E:Who is a Muslim and what do they believe? We will be looking at what do different people believe about God. Why do some people believe God exists? Do we need to prove Gods existence? SMSC/PSHE Go Givers Bouncing Back-Can I be resilient? Bullying-Sticks and Stones. PE – Dance –Dinosaur rumpous book about dinosaurs Perform dances using simple movement patterns. to explore space on the spot and travelling in different directions. Forwards/backwards and side ways. Consolidate contrasting movement qualities e.g. strong with light fast with slow e.g. floating, stamping. Additional information To use a dinosaur rumpous book to create a dino dance from the book. P.E. - Gym Master basic movements including running jumping, throwing and catching as well as develop balance, agility and co-ordination and begin to apply these in a range of activities. To perform the basic actions and apply key safety principles. To perform the basic actions with individuality. P.E. - Games Participate in team games develop simple tactics for defending and attacking. To play safely with a partner using a range of equipment. To make up a travelling game with a partner using a small ball. Geography TASC- To find out about how the weather affected the dinosaurs and how they became extinct. Pupils should be taught to- Identify daily and seasonal weather patterns in the uk and the location of hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the equator and north and south poles. Additional Information To collect weather data for the local area for a week. To investigate how the weather affected the children- what they wore e.g jumper or t-shirt. To locate and name hot and cold areas of the world. To analyse the effect of the weather on the people who live there. To research how the weather made the dinosaurs extinct- only a theory- nobody there. Dinosaurs Autumn 1 2016 I.C.T. Tasc-Can we keep ourselves safe online? ( e-safety)? Complete e-safety posters. Children will learn the importance of these:- How to keep safe online . How to keep your personal details private . .Real life versus virtual life. Maths Number and place value Measurement length and mass Addition and subtraction 2d and 3d shape Times tables (2, 3, 5 and 10) - Focus on mental strategies e.g. number paris to 10, 20, 30 and 100, number pairs. English Autumn 1 Narrative unit 1. Poetry unit 1-Patterns on a page -Shape poems, repetitive patterns. Repetitive poems linked to dinosaurs. Riddles on a dinosaur (2 weeks) Traditional Tales – Gingerbread Man Guided Reading- Stones and Bones comprehension L3. Fiction (1 week) A magic adventure story to dinosaur land e.g. Fizz Kid Liz and ORT land of the dinosaurs Non-Fiction (2 weeks) Information book on dinosaurs. Handwriting- Where to start letters and orientation.