The Early 20th Century Copyright © 2002 Glenna R. Shaw and FTC Publishing All Rights Reserved
Motives for Imperialism Let’s Play Final Challenge WWI Causes Home Front Effects of WWI Foreign Policies Motives for Imperialism 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Causes for 100 Unrestricted Submarine Warfare 100 What German policy pushed the United States to finally enter World War I?
Causes for 200 Tradition of Neutrality & Isolationism toward European Affairs Diversity of American population Cost (Both Human & Economic) Preserve Democracy Pacifist Movement 200 Name two reasons why the United States initially stayed neutral in World War I.
What was the Zimmerman Note? Causes for 300 The Zimmerman Note was an intercepted telegram sent by Germany to the Mexican government; Germany promised to support Mexico’s claim to the American Southwest in exchange for a declaration of war against the United States. 300 What was the Zimmerman Note?
You’re not really neutral if you only trade with one side! Causes for 400 While neutral, the U.S. attempted to trade with both sides, but Britain’s naval power ensured that the vast majority of American trade was done with the Allies. You’re not really neutral if you only trade with one side! 400 What role did trade and economics play in the American decision to go to war?
Causes I for 500 At first he argued that the U.S. could only preserve democracy by staying out of the conflict. Later he argued that the purpose of the war was to preserve democracy by fighting against German authoritarianism. 500 How did Wilson change his mind about how the U.S. could best preserve democracy with regard to World War I?
100 Home Front for 100 Economic Effects U.S. Becomes a Lender Nation Deficit Spending (Liberty Bonds) Anti-Unionism Gov Cooperation w/ Big Businesses 100 Name one economic effect of World War I
200 Home Front for 200 Propaganda Limited expressions against the war through laws like the Espionage & Sedition Acts Arrested & Deported radicals (including many labor leaders from org.s like the IWW) 200 How did the U.S. government convince many Americans to support the war effort?
How did the American economy change during World War I? Home Front for 300 Transition from production of consumer goods, to production of war materials. Government played a greater role in managing the economy. Businesses were allowed to merge… more trusts. We become a net lender nation. 300 How did the American economy change during World War I?
400 Home Front for 400 African-Americans Served as soldiers… when they returned, they expected to be treated with more respect WWI started the “Great Migration” from the South to northern cities The two factors mentioned above led to conflict & race riots with whites after WWI. 400 Name two ways that World War I affected African-Americans.
500 Home Front for 500 Effects of World War I on Women Took jobs traditionally geared toward men Women received the right to vote. Women participated in the war effort by working as nurses, secretaries, volunteering, etc. 500 Name two effects that World War I had on women.
100 Grab Bag for 100 The sold Liberty Bonds. (The people lent their money to the war effort). 100 How did the U.S. raise money to support the war effort?
200 Grab Bag for 200 The Fourteen Points Self-Determination of Colonies League of Nations “Peace w/out Victory” No Reparations for Germany 200 Name two parts of Wilson’s Fourteen Points.
Why did some members of the Senate reject the Treaty of Versailles? Grab Bag for 300 Republicans had not been consulted as Wilson negotiated the treaty. Many objected to the provision calling for a League of Nations because they said it would suck us into a future war and/or it would limit the power& independence of the U.S. government. 300 Why did some members of the Senate reject the Treaty of Versailles?
What did the Supreme Court rule in the case Schenck v. U.S.? Grab Bag for 400 Free speech could be limited in cases in which it posed a “clear and present danger” to the security of the United States or its citizens. 400 What did the Supreme Court rule in the case Schenck v. U.S.?
How did the United States acquire the Panama Canal zone? Grab Bag for 500 We asked Colombia to give us permission to build it across the isthmus of Panama. When they refused, we helped Panama to become an independent nation. The Panamanians gave us a 100 year lease to the canal zone. 500 How did the United States acquire the Panama Canal zone?
Name the two parts of the Monroe Doctrine. Foreign Policy for 100 The U.S. would stay out of European affairs. Europeans should stay out of affairs in the Western Hemisphere (Latin America) 100 Name the two parts of the Monroe Doctrine.
200 Foreign Policy for 200 What did the Open Door Policy state. All countries should have equal access to trade in China. There should be no special concessions or spheres of influence granted to particular nations. 200 What did the Open Door Policy state.
Foreign Policy for 300 Isolationism & Neutrality. 300 Describe the U.S. policy toward Europe prior to 1917.
What was the Roosevelt Corollary? Foreign Policy for 400 Also known as the “Big Stick Policy,” it added to the Monroe Doctrine stating that the U.S. would be the police power of the Western Hemisphere, using force or the threat of force to resolve disputes. 400 What was the Roosevelt Corollary?
500 Foreign Policy for 500 Dollar Diplomacy He believed in encouraging American business interests & trade with Latin America. He was less willing to use force and threats to intervene in the affairs of Latin American nations. 500 How did the President William Howard Taft differ from Teddy Roosevelt in his approach to relations with Latin America.
Motives for 100 In the book, he called for the acquisition of small islands to be used as naval bases for re-coaling & repairs. He emphasized that a strong navy was necessary for protecting American merchant ships. 100 How did Alfred T. Mahan’s book, The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, help encourage imperialism?
Motives for 200 According to the “White Man’s Burden,” civilized (i.e. white) Americans had a duty to share the gifts of civilization with uncivilized peoples around the world. (This is blatant racism). 200 How did the “White Man’s Burden” encourage American imperialism?
Name two economic motivations for imperialism. Motives for 300 The need for raw materials & natural resources. The desire to gain access to world markets. 300 Name two economic motivations for imperialism.
400 Motives for 400 Yellow Journalism The De Lome Letter The Sinking of the USS Maine Humanitarian concerns over Spain’s treatment of Cuban civilians Desire to take Spain’s colonies 400 Name three reasons why the United States declared war on Spain in 1898.
Name two reasons why the United States annexed Hawaii? Motives for 500 Business interests in sugar & tropical fruit Desire to have it as a Pacific Naval Base 500 Name two reasons why the United States annexed Hawaii?
Write Your Final Challenge Wager End Game Write Your Final Challenge Wager Teddy Roosevelt: Big Stick Policy FDR: Good Neighbor Policy Differences TR was more aggressive, intervened more than FDR. Similarities Both had a condescending attitude toward Latin America Compare and contrast the policies of Teddy and Franklin D. Roosevelt toward Latin America. (That means, tell me how they are the same AND different.) TIME’S UP!
Game Over Teacher’s Name