Title of Your Presentation PowerPoint Presentation by your names Listening, Speaking, Note Taking 6 Winter 2010
Who? Mari Acob Nash Director of International Programs Here 3 years
This is Mari!
What is International Programs? It has many parts! One is the Intensive English Program (IEP)
Another is… International College Students
A third part is Study Abroad This is a program for American students who want to study in another country.
How can the IP office help you?
See an advisor Find out which advisor you need to talk to Make appointment Have topic and questions ready
Look online at their website! http://isp.northseattle.edu/index.html
Make friends from around the world.
Why should we know this?
In conclusion… The IP office can help you with many different things. Mari Acob Nash is the director of the International Programs at NSCC. The IP office can help you with many different things. The most important thing for NSCC college students is …