Building Leadership Capacity Slide Intent Cover slide Key Messages Facilitation Notes Maximizing Change New Reality Leadership Copyright 2010-2018 New Reality Leadership, LLC
The Impact of Leading Change Effectively There are a few practical leadership change principles you can apply at no cost to you or the company that pay great dividends to your team, business, and company. Slide Intent Get participants realize that there is very little costs to leading change effectively but there are strong dividends for their team and organization. Key Messages Read slide Discuss that leading change effectively can save time and money, engage employees and make the workplace run much better….and at no cost to the organization typically. This module focuses on practical actions leaders can apply to lead change effectively. Facilitation Notes
Rapid Pace of Change In pairs or trios create two lists: Inventions or innovations that we have now that were not around 10 years ago. Products, services or companies that were around 10 years ago that are gone or in danger of becoming extinct. 3 minutes Slide Intent Get participants thinking about the rapid pace of change. Key Messages Fun, engaging way to get the session started. Ask participants to think about new products created during the last 10 years and products that have disappeared or will soon be gone. They can work in small groups. Chart some responses. See slide for embedded answers. (2018) You may need to update this list from time to time. Can show embedded word document after discussion. This document is also embedded at the end of the workbook. Facilitator Notes This exercise is intended to be quick and to get ideas from the group to get them thinking about the rapid rate of change and how it is important for them to think ahead for their leadership.
Objectives Understand and embrace perspectives on change that help leaders effectively lead and manage their teams through change. Learn practical steps to apply as you lead change efforts. Apply these perspectives and steps to current changes you are leading using a guiding form. Determine several areas to personally improve in your change leadership Slide Intent Introduce Objectives Key Messages Highlight and quickly discuss these objectives. Hang either a poster of this chart or a hand written chart on the wall for review. Facilitation Notes The Change Guide is a tool that encompasses the essence of the module. Once the participants complete the module, they will be able to remember the key principles by using the form. This way they do not have to read through or remember a lot of details from the module. Periodically, it might be helpful to review the content just to be sure the sections in the form are being addressed effectively.
Agenda Agenda Item Focus Managing and Leading Effective Change Understanding Rapid Pace of Change Effective vs. Ineffective Approaches Managing vs. Leading a Change Case Study Discussions to highlight the pace of change and the need to lead and manage in effective ways Assessing your Organization’s Approach to Change Obtain a snapshot of how your organization manages and leads change to create an improvement plan 8 Approaches to Leading Change Discuss the leading side of change and compare to your current approach The Change Guide Learn to use a managing tool to guide leaders during change Application and Closing Determine ways to apply the process Slide Intent Agenda Key Messages These are the key activities covered in this session and a rationale for their importance. Adjust this agenda based on which activities you conduct. Facilitation Notes
Effective vs. Ineffective Approaches to Leading Change Think of a past change in this or another organization. What did leaders do well or not so well? Ineffective Approaches Effective Approaches Our Goal: Shift our Approach Slide Intent Get participants thinking about past changes to identify strengths and opportunities. Key Messages Ask participants to share both what leaders did well and what they did not do well during a past change. Chart the positives on one chart; the negatives / opportunities on another chart. Hang the completed charts. These will be used in a subsequent exercise. Facilitation Notes The intent of this slide is to get the leaders to see what leadership looks like during change. They will quickly identify what other leaders have done effectively or ineffectively. The beginning part of this module gets the leaders to focus outwardly first. Typically, this is less threatening and easier for them to visualize. Later, they will focus more inwardly and identify personal opportunities for leading change.
Managing vs. Leading a Change Leading and Managing Change is Important: What is the difference between Leading and Managing a change? What are a couple examples of both? Slide Intent There are administrative actions leaders take to manage change. There are leading aspects as well. Leaders need to apply both. This discussion highlights the differences and both will be addressed in the study. More detail is at the end of the study and will be reviewed then. Key Messages Show slide and get a few comments from the group. Explain that the session will focus on both aspects and both are important to effectively leading change. We will revisit this concept at the close. Facilitation Notes
Case Study: Leading Organizational Change Context Leading teams or organizations through change can be very challenging. Seeing how others managed a change provides insights for us that we can apply. To Do Read/review the change case in your book and identify positive or challenging behaviors or reactions from leaders and employees. How In groups, discuss what you observed and add any additional notes in your book. Pick some key actions you observed to share back with the larger group. See if your observations match the Effective or Ineffective Approaches just listed. Slide Intent Introduce case study. Key Messages Case was assigned as prework reading. (or have them read in session if not complete) Have small groups read or review the case and their notes. Ask them discuss key learnings from the case. There is space in their workbooks to make notes. Have each team share their key learnings back to larger group during the debrief. Make connections between what they observed in the case and what they identified in the opening discussion on effective or ineffective leadership during change. Facilitation Notes This exercise also focuses them outwardly so they can better identify some of the leadership actions or personal actions associated with change. This work will help them later to assess their approach. 10 minutes to discuss
The Assessment Context It is helpful to assess yourself or organization in areas such as leading change to determine key focus areas you would like to address. To Do Determine what your group thinks are the top three strengths and top three opportunities for your organization. How (See facilitator guide for options to facilitate this section and put desired approach here) Slide Intent Introduce the assessment. Key Messages Process the exercise per the slide. See FG for options to process the assessment and add that to the HOW portion of the slide. Facilitation Notes This assessment now focuses on their organization. They have looked at the effectiveness of change in general and now will focus on their specific organization and personally later in the session. 15 minutes to discuss
8 Approaches to Lead Change In this section we will address 8 approaches to leading change: Get Ahead of Change Build the Case for Change The Strategic View Safety and People Process the Change Curve Small Changes Get Employees Involved Assess your Team Slide Intent Overview slide to show the 8 focus areas for this section. Key Messages The next sections focus on some practical things leaders can do to effectively lead change. Leading change is a mindset. Tools like the Change Guide are managing processes. Facilitation Notes
A. Get Ahead of Change Where is your organization or team? More Reactive More Proactive Slide Intent Helping group to think of ways to move from more reactive to proactive approaches for managing change. Key Messages Ask group to think of where they are on this scale as an organization. Have group read the content in the participant guide called A. Get Ahead of Change and have them highlight key thoughts that relate to getting ahead of change. Once they read it, ask them for key words or short thoughts describing what they observed. Write these on the poster in various places with different color markers. Put more positive comments toward the right and challenges toward the left. You will have a visual of key ideas you can refer back to during session. Facilitation Notes A key message for the group is that leading change successfully involves being proactive and looking ahead to see what might be coming vs. being surprised by unexpected situations. Reactive organizations in general tend to be reactive during unexpected change as well. What are 1-2 application opportunities?
B. Build the Case for Change Watch the following video clip on change If you watched this before during the Embracing Change module, view it now as a leader to think about how you can build the case for a change with your team. Shift Happens Slide Intent Introduce next principle including video. Key Messages Watch the video and ask participants to think about the implications for your business. Facilitation Notes
Build the Case for Change Base on the video and Shenzhen pictures, What are one or two key messages for you as a leader of a team? What have you done to build the case for a change or what could you do for an upcoming change? Slide Intent Debrief video. Key Messages Discuss or chart their answers. Facilitation Notes In your debrief, see if employees will bring up the urgency for thinking differently about the future and preparing effectively. One implication is that employees will have to produce more and be engaged more. They will have to learn more in a shorter amount of time so they should hopefully think about what that means for their business going forward. There is also a balance with this video. Leaders could get too concerned and over react or get discouraged thinking there is no way to compete. If this happens, get them to think about how they can positively make this process work for their groups and organization.
C. Share the Strategic View Read the content under this topic. Write down what you think was done well or not well in these situations. What can you do to share more of the strategic view and direction with employees so they can see where you are going and provide input? Slide Intent Discuss principle of Sharing the Strategic View. Key Messages Have participants read C. Share the Strategic View in the participant guide and write down observations in the margin. Once done, ask participants for their observations and write on chart or highlight items from the previous charts. Ask the group, What would be 3-4 key things from this chart we could do to improve our communication during change? Circle or note their answers. Typically there is not time now to process these ideas. Capture these as action items for a subsequent session. Facilitation Notes A key goal of effective leadership is to close the gap of what the leader sees strategically and what the front line employees see and understand. Front line employees often feel like they are in the dark. Encourage leaders to be open in their sharing.
D. Safety and People How well do we focus on people and safety in general? How well during change events? Did any injuries or process incidents occur during change times? What extra measures would you suggest during times of change to ensure people are supported and safe? Slide Intent Discuss principle of Safety and People. Key Messages Show chart and have participants provide answers to the questions. You can process the questions as a large group or break participants into smaller groups to allow them to discuss. Action items and suggestions will arise from the discussion. Again, chart and capture these ideas to process at a later time. Facilitation Notes Many of these topics will result in suggestions from the participants. It may take longer than desired to process the ideas here. Ensure you clearly document the ideas and determine when and how you will address.
E. Lead your Team through the Change Curve Skepticism Stress Fear Exploration Excitement Commitment Excitement for some Resistance Lack of Trust Anger Anxiety Phase 1 Discovering the Change Phase 2 Managing the Change Phase 3 Embracing the Change Wonder Denial Confusion Isolation Resolve Contentment Applying the principles of this module helps you minimize the dip and maximize the benefits Read the workbook section called Lead your Team through the Change Curve. Discuss insights you gain as a leader of change Slide Intent Introduce the Change Curve. Key Messages See the workbook for the intended focus for this discussion. Make a poster of this slide for the discussion or future discussions. See the facilitator guide for ideas to process this chart. Facilitation Notes Typically, the leaders will be a bit more positive than employees overall. See if this is true. If it is, ask: Why do you think there is a difference? Typically the leader sees and knows more about the situations and has had time to work through the changes while employees may still be unclear about what is coming. If it is similar, ask: What does this tell us about our teams? Probably there is more engagement, communication, and empowerment in a team like this.
Change Curve Application What is one key application for you or your leadership team? Slide Intent Discuss Change Implications. Key Messages Based on the discussion, ask group for a couple main application ideas that would help them most. Capture these ideas as actions to process more deeply later. Facilitation Notes Think of your specific organization and add any additional implications you want to ensure are addressed.
F. Small Changes Do we really need to pay attention to small changes? Suggest Don’t minimize small changes Use the change guide to prompt actions you should take No need to overmanage either Thoughts? Slide Intent Introduce principle of Small Changes. Key Messages The goal of this discussion is to ensure leaders focus as well on small changes. While they do not need to over manage, there are practical actions they can take to ensure the employees are clear on the change and the leader is not missing any critical information. Could ask participants to think of a smaller change they led or went through and how it went. Was it pretty straight forward, what challenges were encountered, how did employees react, etc.? Facilitation Notes Goal is to not minimize the smaller changes and at the same time not over manage them. The change Guide helps catch the items that should be addressed so should be used by leaders during small changes as well.
G. Get Employees Involved Discuss How would your employees add value to the implementation of a change? For example, putting in new inventory software tracking, moving office locations, changing equipment locations, reducing staff, Think of a change you have experienced. Were employees involved with the implementation? Were they engaged? Were they not involved much but could have been? Are employees developed enough to know how to share insights on the change being implemented? What else would employees need to contribute better to change? Slide Intent Introduce principle of Get Employees Involved. Key Messages Employees have many answers that leaders do not. It is critical for leaders to engage employees early during changes. The employees must be part of the change vs. the change being done to them. Employees may not have a say in all changes that impact them. They should, though, be engaged in how to implement or address the changes once they are announced. For example, if a merger is announced, the employees will not know this ahead of time. Leaders, though, must engage the employees for the best ways to make the merger work wherever possible. Facilitation Notes Key message: Leaders must realize that employees typically are not engaged nearly enough during change (and in other times). For a company to be successful all employees through to the front line must be engaged for their knowledge and ideas.
H. Assess your Team How would you assess employees on your team? Fill in the assessment in your books. If you do not have direct reports, think of your general work team or another team you have worked on Resistant Complains Incites others Fearful Anxious Skeptical Open Inquiring Goes along Takes Charge Supports Helps lead Employees Employees Employees Employees Slide Intent Introduce exercise for participants to do an assessment of their team. Key Messages Leaders will increase their effectiveness in leading change if they have a picture of how each employee reacts to change. By seeing this picture, they can focus on how to communicate and respond to each employee. Have participants do a quick assessment of where they think their team is today by putting names on assessment chart in workbook. They may only have a few employees or could have many. If they currently do not have reports, have them think of their peers. If they have just a few employees, they could write these down plus some peers. If they have many, have them pick a sampling of some that might represent each of the areas. Facilitation Notes
Some Things Never Change These are foundations to New Reality Leadership. If these areas are strong in your organization, most likely you will lead effectively through change. Accelerate employee development, both functional and personal growth Encourage prudent risk taking Keep a long-term view Measure not just skills of employees but their ability to help others accelerate their development (balance of a collaboration vs. competition attitude) Let go of being in control and drive control to the front line of the organization Develop employees to work Interdependently (working together with minimal daily guidance) Do not settle for the status quo Now I make it a point to call them into consultation on any new work. I observed that they are more likely to set about a piece of work on which their opinions have been asked and their advice followed. Farmer A.D. 100 Slide Intent Quote shows that engaging employees is a foundational principle that never changes and has been effective for thousands of years. Key Messages The bulleted items are main leadership themes in New Reality Leadership. The better we apply these approaches, the better change will be addressed in an organization and personally. Let participants review the list and ask for any comments. Show quote (which is animated) and emphasize that while the world is changing quickly and drastically, there are some underlying foundational leadership principles that are the same today as yesterday. Facilitation Notes
The Change Guide A simple tool that: Costs nothing Helps you consider and apply each of our key discussion points Takes minimal effort Greatly enhances the engagement of employees and effectiveness of the change Slide Intent Introduce the Change Guide. Key Messages Use the participant guide and quickly discuss each of the guide sections. Each section relates to something we have talked about in this module. The form helps you to remember the key principles you should consider as you lead a change. Typically when leading a change, you will only need the guide to manage the change provided you have read through the module or participated in the classroom discussion. It is helpful to review the participant guide periodically to ensure you are leading by principle vs. just tactically doing things to get through the change. Facilitation Notes The guide is a managing tool. Managing tools are extremely helpful provided the leader understands the foundational principles underlying the items on the form. Leadership is about having the desire to help employees be successful during change. Managing involves the day-to-day things the leader does to support the employee. Some leaders can mechanically follow a form but miss the leadership intent.
The Change Guide Topics Safety Training General Communications Engagement Resources Work/life issues Change in personnel Paying attention to high stress levels Make what you can enjoyable Slide Intent To show the sections of the Change Guide. Key Messages Show this slide as you step through the guide so participants can see the sections. There is an optional exercise that allows the participants to practice using the guide with a change they are managing or about to manage in their area. The exercise can be done also as post work or in a subsequent session. Facilitation Notes
Personal Reflection Fill in the Personal Reflection chart in the workbook What are a couple areas you would specifically like to grow in or apply more effectively during change? Slide Intent To help participants focus on the specific ways they lead during change. Key Messages Ask the participants to focus on their personal areas of leading during change. Have them review the checklist in the participant book and check off several key areas they will focus on going forward. You can ask for comments now or incorporate this into the closing review of key learnings and objectives. Facilitation Notes
Managing vs. Leading a Change Management is a set of processes that can keep a complicated system of people and technology running smoothly. The most important aspects of management include planning, budgeting, organizing, staffing, controlling, and problem solving. Leadership is a set of processes that creates organizations in the first place or adapts them to significantly changing circumstances. Leadership defines what the future should look like, aligns people with that vision, and inspires them to make it happen despite the obstacles John Kotter Slide Intent Review an earlier slide asking for participants to think about the difference between managing and leading a change. Key Messages Leadership involves getting the people involved for their support in the change, getting ahead of the change, developing people before change to be resilient in the change, etc. Managing it involves systems such as the change worksheet to ensure the change is methodically implemented. There are more details in the workbook. Refer to these and have them scan through or spend a couple minutes discussing anything that is pertinent to the group. Facilitation Notes
Competency Connection Coaches Team Through Change (Developed by this module) Needed to lead effectively during change Communicates Effectively Engages Employees for their Knowledge Leads Situationally Slide Intent Connect this topic to applicable competencies. Key Messages Show the competencies listed on the chart. This module develops the top competency. Ask, How do the other competencies relate to leading change? Discuss as a large group. Emphasize that effective leaders develop and apply the competencies listed in this process. Competency development takes time but by focusing methodically on development, the leaders can grow quicker and make more impact on the organization. Facilitation Notes The content of this module develops the competency of Leading or Coaching through Change. To apply this competency, the leader must also apply other competencies. These include, among others, solid communication skills such as listening, sharing information, presentations, general coaching interactions, etc, engaging employees, and leading situationally. The entire leadership process is focused on engaging employees. Leading situationally is addressed in the module called Leadership Styles. Other competencies relate also since leadership is very intertwined.
Objectives Revisited… List a key learning or one thing you will do based on the learnings from this module and then connect that to one or more of the session objectives. Understand and embrace perspectives on change that help leaders effectively lead and manage their teams through change. Learn practical steps to apply as you lead change efforts. Apply these perspectives and steps to current changes you are leading using a guiding form. Determine several areas to personally improve in your change leadership Slide Intent List key learnings and how they connect to the objectives. Key Messages Ask each person for a key learning. Have them connect that learning to one or more of the objectives. Facilitation Notes It is a good facilitation practice to review the objectives at the beginning and end of a session so participants know what to focus on through the session. Most of the learning actually takes place after the session through application. Ensure there is an emphasis on how they will apply the skill. Ideally, there should be a follow up session to have them share their experiences.
Review Actions What do we need to act on? How will we proceed with what we identified? Slide Intent Review identified action items to determine follow up steps. Key Messages If any follow up actions were identified during the session, review these to determine who will follow up with the next steps and by when. Facilitation Notes It is important to follow up on identified actions and suggestions from the group to maintain credibility and engagement from the participants.