Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: Simulation and Analysis of Physical Layer Coexistence Date Submitted: 19 September 2000 Source: Robert E. Van Dyck Company: National Institute of Standards and Technology Address: 100 Bureau Drive, Mail Stop 8920, Gaithersburg, Maryland, U.S.A. Voice: 301 975-2923, FAX: 301 590-0932, E-Mail: Re: 0 Abstract: Simulation results are presented for the GFSK modulation used in IEEE 802.15.1. Baseband simulations of the transmitter, Gaussian and fading channels, and the receiver are described. The effects of co-channel interference are quantified. Purpose: The information in this document should be used to further TG 2 coexistence studies. Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.
Simulations and Analysis of Physical Layer Coexistence Robert E. Van Dyck & Amir Soltanian National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, Maryland September 2000
doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> Simulations Two Channel Models Additive White Gaussian Noise Rician Slow Flat Fading Channel Signal processing-based implementations Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying Transmitter and Receiver 8 samples/symbol -> 8 million-samples/sec Baseband Model <author>, <company>
Limiter-Discriminator Detection Non-coherent detection Simple receiver model No phase tracking necessary Implement differentiators using 6 tap finite impulse response digital filters Performance essentially equivalent to 1 bit differential detection
Baseband Model of 802.15.1 GFSK
Receiver IF Filter (Baseband Equivalent)
Receiver IF Filter
Receiver IF Filter
Bit Error Rate of GMSK in AWGN Channel BT = 0.5 Br = 1.1
Bit Error Rate of GFSK in AWGN Channel BT = 0.5 Br = 1.1
Baseband Model of 802.15.1 with a Rician Channel
Bit Error Rate of GFSK in Rician Channel BT = 0.5 Br = 1.1
Interference Model
Bit Error Rate with Co-channel Interference AWGN
Bit Error Rate with Co-channel Interference AWGN
Co-channel Interference for Fading Channels
Bit Error Rate with Co-channel Interference Flat Fading
References R. F. Pawula, “On the theory of error rates for narrow-band digital FM,” IEEE Trans. on Comm., pp. 1634-1643, Nov. 1981. R. F. Pawula, S. O. Rice, and J. H. Roberts, “Distribution of the phase angle between two vectors perturbed by Gaussian noise,” IEEE Trans. on Comm., pp. 1828-1841, Aug. 1982.
References M. K. Simon and C. C. Wang, “Differential vs. limiter-discriminator detection of narrow-band FM,” IEEE Trans. on Comm, pp. 1227-1234, Nov. 1983. M. K. Simon and C. C. Wang, “Differential detection of Gaussian MSK in a mobile radio environment,” IEEE Trans. On Vehic. Tech., pp. 307-320, Nov. 1984. P. Varshney and S. Kumar, “Performance of GMSK in a land mobile radio channel,” IEEE Trans. on Vehic. Tech., pp. 607-614, Aug. 1991
References M. Chiani, “Performance of BPSK and GMSK with multiple cochannel interferers,” IEEE Int. Symp. on PIMRC, pp. 833-837, 1996. Y. T. Su, W.-C. Kao, and J. S. Li, “The effects of Rician fading and multiple CCI on differentially detected GMSK signals,” IEEE Int. Symp. on PIMRC, pp. 959-963, 1997. T. Ekvetchavit and Z. Zvonar, “Performance of Phase-locked loop receiver in digital FM systems,” IEEE Int. Symp. on PIMRC , pp 381-385, 1998.