Vision and Mission VISION Mutual respect amongst diverse cultural, religious and linguistic communities MISION To foster rights of communities to freely observe and practice their culture, religion and language
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Developing and running effective communication and marketing function Strengthening and empowering communities
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Appropriation of C-R-L Rights in Law Financial management Systems and Mobilisation of Resources Cultivate Organisational Efficiency
Ultimate goal for our strategic objectives to promote respect for and further the protection of the rights of cultural, religious and linguistic communities; to promote and develop peace, friendship, humanity, tolerance and national unity among and within cultural, religious and linguistic communities, on the basis of equality, non-discrimination and free association;
Ultimate goal for our strategic objectives continued.... to promote the right of communities to develop their historically diminished heritage On the basis of the above, all CRL Rights Commission’s engagements and activities are aimed at promoting Social Cohesion, Co-existence and National Unity.
2014/15 – FOCUS AREAS Dialogues on virginity inspection This matter created a lot of debate both politically and socially Policy Position-do not abolish but come up with alternatives to deal with challenges emanating from the practice
2014/15-FOCUS AREAS CONTINUED..... Ukuthwala Cultural Practice This project dominated the headlines. Policy Position-do not abolish but come up with alternatives to deal with the matter Recycling of Graves Policy position- Find alternatives that do not compromise African religious practices University Projects
SUMMARY OF 2014/15 TARGETS PER UNIT Unit/Department Target 2014/15 Achieved/Not RPD 4 Research reports √ PEE 9 c-r-l-campaigns 2 c-r-l- dialogues 9 mini conferences 75 cc’s audited in database
SUMMARY OF 2014/15 TARGETS PER UNIT Unit/Department Target 2014/15 Achieved/Not CM Approved CM strategy √ Implement CM strategy Develop IT strategy Implement IT strategy
SUMMARY OF 2014/15 TARGETS PER UNIT Unit/Department Targets 2014/15 Achieved/ Not Office of the CEO Strategic plan produced √ 4 performance reports 4 audit committee meetings, minutes and reports Office of the Chairperson 4 Traditional authority liaison meetings 4 University liaison meetings and 4 plenary meetings 5 parliamentary committee meetings 10 campaigns against ritual killings
SUMMARY OF 2014/15 TARGETS PER UNIT Unit/Department Targets 2014/15 Achieved/Not Legal Services 1 seminar √ 12 legal opinions 9 provincial meetings with Arts and culture and Education Review complaints handling manual 80% of cases received to be finalized 72% -inadequate personnel because of the legal officer being on four months maternity leave
SUMMARY OF 2014/15 TARGETS PER UNIT Unit/Department Targets 2014/15 Achieved/Not Finance and CS 12 expenditure reports and financial statements √ 12 asset register reconciliations and 4 asset verifications 100% of job descriptions updated 2 formal performance assessments
IDENTIFIED CRITICAL PRESSURE POINTS 2016/17 Commercialization of religion and abuse of people’s belief systems (2015/16-2016/17) Deaths in initiation schools Tribalism-Race: a threat to national unity Language as a tool for exclusion for self determination-a threat or not to nation building/unity? i.e. Promotion and protection of linguistic rights
IDENTIFIED CRITICAL PRESSURE POINTS 2016/17 Discrimination, trafficking and killing of people living with albinism Capacity building training workshops for community councils on conflict resolution, developing constitutions, and financial management.
IDENTIFIED CRITICAL PRESSURE POINTS 2016/17 Propose legislation, policies in line with C-R-L Rights Regulation of the Religious sector Draft Bill on initiation Draft Bill on graves
IDENTIFIED CRITICAL PRESSURE POINTS 2016/17 Creating organisational efficiency Creating and installing internal controls/systems to address audit findings electronic leave system Case ware system Upgrading pastel
APP-SUMMARY PER PROGRAMMES 2016/17 Public Education Unit 18 capacity building workshops/training for community councils 9 conflict resolution clinics 12 cultural, religious and linguistic rights campaigns
APP-SUMMARY PER PROGRAMMES 2016/17 Research and policy development 4 Research Reports on C-R-L matters Legal Services and Conflict Resolution 3 proposed draft Bill 100% of cases received will be handled 100% review of bills tabled in Parliament Guideline on indigenisation of law making process
APP-SUMMARY PER PROGRAMMES 2016/17 Office of the Chairperson 4 plenary meetings 4 sections 22 committees Portfolio committee meetings and presentations Institutions of higher learning project Strategic meetings with relevant stakeholders
2016/19 Allocation: Economic Clasification Economic classification R’ 000 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Income 38 691 40 620 42 969 Transfer income CoGTA 38 521 40 477 42 793 Interest 170 173 176 Expenditure Staff Cost 23 615 25 226 26 722 Operational expenditure 15 076 15 394 16 247
2016/19 Allocation: Notes In order to restructure financial resources according to the current economic reality, the CRL Rights Commission currently freeze vacant positions. Savings from frozen positions amounts to R 6, 288 m per year. The limitation of human resources affects the effective implementation of programs negatively. The current baseline adjustment of 11% is below inflation in respect of remuneration of staff at 13.1%. As a result service delivery will be limited accordingly. Current performance will not be sustainable due to the regression of financial resources available to program implementation.
2016/19 Allocation: Program Level Program R’ 000 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Office of the Chairperson 9 594 9 979 10 495 Office of the Chief Executive Officer 3 547 3 768 4 054 Communication and marketing 4 317 4 469 4 705 Office of the Chief Financial Officer 13 670 14 321 15 204 Legal services and conflict management 2 093 2 236 2 367 Research and policy development 1 861 1 977 2 083 Public education and engagement 3 607 3 870 4 062
CHALLENGES – LIMITED RESOURCES The CRL Rights Commission will continue freezing vacant positions to create savings to reallocate to commissioners and delivery of programs For 2016/17 The above creates a burden for the organization to serve +-52 million people with limited human resources
CHALLENGES – LIMITED RESOURCES Non compliance (Act 19 of 2002), that states that the Commission must call the National Consultative Conference at least twice in every five years. Research and community engagements on virginity inspection is sought in order to come up with recommendations for possible legislation
RECOMMENDATIONS Baseline to be increased in order to maximise our work
Thank You!!