Tonatiuh Matos fis. cinvestav. mx/~tmatos/ iac


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Presentation transcript:

Tonatiuh Matos http://www. fis. cinvestav. mx/~tmatos/ http://www. iac

The nD-Einstein equations with n-2 commuting Killing Vectors Rev. Mex The nD-Einstein equations with n-2 commuting Killing Vectors Rev.Mex.Fis. 35(1989)208

The Ricci Tensor z = ρ + iς

Ricci tensor in matrix notation

In vacuum Implies:

Brane Cosmology Inflation

5D Gravity Potential Space

The corresponding Lie Algebra Define: Then:

The ansatz  A=  A( i) And the Killing equation:


The main theorem Rev.Mex.Fis. 38(1992)69

WMAP3 Results Milenium

SFDM T. Matos and F. Siddhartha Guzmán. Class. Quant. Grav SFDM T. Matos and F. Siddhartha Guzmán. Class. Quant. Grav. 17, (2000), L9-L16. The action: The metric:

The field equations The Laplacian:

The solution Where M: Thus: The space-time metric:

The geodesics The luminous matter contribution The rotations curves

Density Profiles T. Matos and F. Siddhartha Guzmán. Class. Quant. Grav. 17, (2000), L9-L16.

Density Profiles (Harko & Bhomer arXiv:0705.4158)

Density Profiles LSB Galaxies

Density Profiles LSB Galaxies

Density Profiles LSB Galaxies

The geodesics again Tonatiuh Matos, F The geodesics again Tonatiuh Matos, F. Siddhartha Guzman and Dario Nuñez, Phys. Rev. D62(2000)061301(R); For the metric The rotations curves implies

The Cosmology T. Matos and L. Ureña, Class. Q. Grav The Cosmology T. Matos and L. Ureña, Class. Q. Grav. 17(2000)L75 Dark Matter:  V0[cosh() –1] Dark Energy:  , , Baryons, Radiation, Neutrinos, etc.    0.23    0.73 b  0.04

The Field Equations

The Cosmology T. Matos and L. Ureña, Class. Q. Grav. 17(2000)L75

Summarizing SFDM model is insensitive to initial conditions Behaves as CDM Reproduces all the successes CDM above galactic scales. Predicts a sharp cut-off in the mass power spectrum The favored values for the two free parameters   20 V0  (310-27 Mpl )4  m  10-23 eV

M  0.1 M2Planck /m If m  10-23 eV M 1012 Mo Scalar Field Fluctuation = Halo Tonatiuh Matos and F. Siddhartha Guzman, Class.Q. Grav. 18(2001)5055 Miguel Alcubierre, F. Siddhartha Guzmán, Tonatiuh Matos, Darío Núñez, Luis A. Ureña and Petra Wiederhold.. Class.Q. Grav. 19(2002)5017 M  0.1 M2Planck /m If m  10-23 eV M 1012 Mo

Scalar Field Fluctuation = Halo

Scalar Field Fluctuation = Halo

Scalar Field Fluctuation = Halo

Conclusion The scalar field is a good candidate to be the Dark Matter of the Universe