The Evolution of National Statistical Systems —Trends and Implications Dennis Trewin
Outline of Presentation Discussion of key influences over the last 60 years Challenges Statistical Production Statistical Leadership International Statistical System Concluding Remarks
Key influences (1) Economic statistics have become more integrated Household surveys have greatly increased the availability of social statistics Environment statistics—a relatively new and rapidly growing field of official statistics
Key Influences (2) The majority of countries are now conducting Population Censuses There is much greater interest in having a National Statistical System (that involves all providers of official statistics) An increase in user engagement
Key Influences (3) Developments in ICT have greatly changed the way statistics are disseminated The productivity of NSOs has increased substantially The importance of independent and autonomous NSOs is increasingly being recognized
Key Influences (4) Technology has been a major contributor to the efficiency and effectiveness of NSOs Response rates in most but not all countries have tended to deteriorate NSOs have become more involved in analysis or supporting analysis
There have been moves towards a global statistical system Key Influences (5) There have been moves towards a global statistical system There has been an increase in the availability of international statistical standards
Challenges—National Statistics (1) Providing a statistical service that is timely, relevant, responsive and respected for its integrity and quality Obtaining reliable source data Increased use of administrative and transactional data bases
Challenges—National Statistics (2) Use of analytical or model based methods to support official statistics Setting up data sets primarily to support analysis (e.g. linked data sets) Better support for secondary data analysis by external researchers
Challenges—National Statistics (3) Increased use of the internet for data collection Garner opportunities provided by technology and methodology developments to improve the efficiency or effectiveness of the statistical service Exploit technology developments to improve information services
Challenges—National Statistics (4) Improve international comparability of data Build/maintain trust in official statistics Develop the human resource skills to do the work
Challenges—National Statistics (5) Provide leadership to the National Statistical System
Challenges—Global Statistical System Member countries/UNSC to provide a leadership role International statistical agencies to respond to the main concerns Improved coordination, particularly at the country level