B and K rare decays constraints on top quark FCNCs 楊亞東 華中師範大學 合作者:李新強,袁興博
1. Precision Flavor Physics The successful running of BABAR@SLAC and BELLE@KEK have established: the CP violation picture of CKM the GIM mechanism of Flavor Changing Neutral Currents(FCNC) leave small room for New Physics beyond the SM The mall room: strong constraints on New Physics scenarios already could be very significant if precision increased sensitive to new physics at scale>14TeV
1.Precision Flavor Physics Flavor physics is entering a precision era: LHCb is running Super BELLE@KEK, Japan (2014 taking data) SuperB@ Frascati, Italy (2015 taking data?) Luminosity will increased by 100 times than BABAR&BELLE The transition from the 1st generation B factories to the super ones: Quest for CPV Quest for New Physics Strongly correlated with the direct searches @ATLAS,CMS…
2. Top FCNCs and B, K decays Top quark FCNS: Clear signature, if they are there However, highly GIM suppressed At designed luminosity at 14TeV, LHC will only produce: 80 million top pairs and 34 million single tops annually. So, observation of top FCNC would be the evidence for NP. many model dependent and model independent studies of theses decays.
2.1 Model independent top FCNC couplings NLO QCD corrections have been finished by C.S Li group: PRL102(2009)072001;PRD82(2010)073005 etc. What are the bounds on these effective coupling strength?