Geogebra: Dynamic Math Worksheets for the K-12 Classroom Carlee Nelson
Abstract What is Geogebra? 3 worksheets: Slope-Intercept Form Integer Addition Angle Classification
What is Geogebra? Open Source Software Interactive teaching and learning of mathematics: algebra, statistics, geometry, and calculus computer algebra system (CAS) is a software program that allows computation over mathematical expressions
Different application options Toolbar Different application options
Algebra Geometry
Spreadsheet CAS computer algebra system (CAS) is a software program that allows computation over mathematical expressions
3D Graphics Probability
In the Classroom Benefits: Hands-on Visual learners Uses: Assessment Classwork
Slope-Intercept Form Features: Sliders Check box Equation Line graph Slope Formula
Integer Addition Features: Sliders Check box Equation Rays Points Segments
Angle Classification Features: Dynamic triangles Angle measurements Segment measurements