Welcome to Back-to-School Night Grade 5
Presentation Overview Welcome & Background Curriculum Overview Policies Other Business Questions
Responsive Classroom Morning Meeting Greeting Sharing Activity News & Announcements Community Building Reflecting on Social Behaviors Role-playing
RULER-Yale University Emotions drive learning, decision-making, creativity, relationships, and health. The Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence uses the power of emotions to create a more effective and compassionate society. The Center conducts research and teaches people of all ages how to develop their emotional intelligence. Source: http://ei.yale.edu/ruler/
Everyday Mathematics Journal Volumes 1 & 2 Home Links Homework Student Reference Book – Hard cover and online Math Games – online and in class Assessments Pre-tests Unit review packets
*Master Math Facts* Achieved by constant reinforcement Quizzes Math sheets Flash cards Support from home
Language Arts The centerpiece of the Tenafly elementary school program is our language arts curriculum, incorporating best practice as based on current literacy research. We use authentic literature, Schoolwide units, and Scholastic Storyworks materials to teach reading and writing.
Reader’s Workshop Structure Read Aloud Mini-lessons Guided Reading Groups Book Clubs/Literature Circles Independent Reading Time
Daily Reading Logs
Writer’s Workshop The Writing Process Immersion Generating Ideas Selecting an idea Developing an idea Drafting Revising Editing Publishing
Writer’s Workshop Units of Study Launching: How Writers Work Grammar Informative Essay Persuasive Essay Writing within Science and Social Studies Units Independent Writing Projects
Social Studies Units of Study Westward Expansion Civil War Civil Rights Variety of resources to support units Historical Fiction Chapter Books Centers Internet research
Science This year we will be implementing a new science program- Inspire Science. We will cover concepts such as Physical Science, Earth Science and Life Science. Some units include: Structures and Properties of matter Physical and Chemical Changes Plant and Animal Needs
Homework All assignments are written into the student planner on a daily basis Quiet Time/Study Hall as needed Parents, please check to see that assignments are completed Students are to complete 5 reading logs a week Missed or incomplete homework assignments result in a variety of consequences depending upon individual student needs
Report Card Grading System New Elementary Report Card - Standards-based - New Grading 4 = Exceeding Grade Level Standard 3 = Meeting Grade Level Standard 2 = Approaching Grade Level Standard 1 = Not Meeting Grade Level Standard * This does not align with a traditional A, B, C grading system.
Social Studies Units Westward Expansion Our unit test Group participation during our simulation The completion of assigned tasks for the simulation ( i.e., a skit about the reasons for going west, a guide book for other travelers going west etc., pioneer towns, pioneer centers A critique of the centers The Native American debate (research, participation, and presentation) Native American reports - (students are assigned a region to investigate and design a PowerPoint presentation) A journal with entries that reflect their knowledge of the trail, and include authentic "pioneer language" and experiences learned in class Open-ended responses to articles about the Oregon Trail and Native Americans
Social Studies Units A unit test Slavery & Civil War A unit test Research a famous person of the Civil War Participation and written responses to packets corresponding to our slavery centers Participation and responses to our civil war centers
Social Studies Units Civil Rights Civil Rights notebooks/scrapbooks that students create and we grade Civil Rights student presentations on assigned Civil Rights Topics Discovery students usually write plays about a Civil Rights leader or event which they cast, direct, and perform.
Other Business Snacks Healthy (i.e. crackers, fruit, yogurt) allergies December Conferences Sign-In Sheet Field Trips Clearwater Sailing (TBD) Metropolitan Opera (TBD) Nature Center Pool Party Graduation
Parent-Teacher Communication Our 5th Grade Team’s Email Addresses Mrs. Donna Klein - dklein@tenafly.k12.nj.us Mr. Arnold Almaguer - aalmaguer@tenafly.k12.nj.us Mrs. Esther Loor - eloor@tenafly.k12.nj.us