Mrs. Sill’s Second Grade Class 2018-2019
Handouts Lined Paper-note to your child Meet the Teacher Back to School Night Packet Growth Mindset 2nd grade vocabulary “cheat” sheet Dreambox Common Core Reading at Home Scholastic
I have been teaching at Creekside for the last 6 years in various classrooms and grade levels. I have been a Creekside parent for the past 7 years. My number one goal is to create a safe learning environment where each student can become their personal best.
Reader’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Math-engage new york Spelling Science-mystery science Social Studies Art with Miss Bhu/Art Docents Computer Lab/chromebooks Music Health and Wellness P.E.
Monday- P.E. Tuesday- Library and Music Wednesday- Tech Lab Thursday- P.E. Friday- Science Our “Typical” Daily Schedule is on our class website with more details.
Homework will be posted on Sunday afternoons on the 2nd grade homework site. All homework, except math, is due on Friday Friday journals will come home on Friday. Please take a quick minute to see what your child did this week. If you would like to write back to your child please do so. Homework will consist of 20 minutes of nightly reading, please enter this into the reading logs that are sent home each month. There will eventually be spelling/vocabulary and google classroom homework.
birthdays Please feel free to come in and read a special book to the class. You may choose to send in non-edible treats for everyone. There are 26 students in our class. Please do not distribute invites at school unless you are including everyone. We don’t want anyone’s feelings to get hurt. Thank you for understanding.
Star of the Week The Star of the Week will begin next week. The dates of each student are listed on our website. For that week your child can bring in their star of the week poster. (I will send home at least a week prior). Items for a guessing bag. A special book to share. A special item to share.
Fall Conferences Fall Conferences will be held during the week of October 8th. That week will be on a minimum day schedule all week. Students will be released at 11:50. We will not have lunch at school that week. I will be sending out a Conference Sign Up Genius as the week nears. The book fair will be here that week too!
Comet Folders come home on Tuesday and should be returned to school on Wednesday each week. Reading Logs (purple) sheet for August) should be filled out each day and should be sent back to school around the 1st of the following month. I think it is very important for the students to create their own work inside and outside of the classroom. Field Trips-We normally do 2-3 field trips in second grade. Once these are set up I will be sure to get all of the information to you.
Scholastic Book Orders Monthly Book Orders will be sent home. Our class code is R89CP. You can order online at or send in an order form with checks made out to scholastic. This is a great and inexpensive way, to build up your library at home.
Volunteers Room Parent-Chris Kang Library Helper: Tuesdays 10:40-11:10 Tech Lab: Wednesdays 11:10-11:40 Art Docent: Once a Month Yearbook Coordinator Health & Wellness Advocate Carnival: 10/20 Auction Basket: 2/3 Teacher Appreciation Week: May Classroom Parties: Oct., Dec., Jan. Filed Trips Comet Chase: Sept. 21st Watch DOGS
Odds & Ends BoxTops Classroom Jobs Party Points Tickets Restroom/Water Policy Chromebooks/Donor’s Choose Mystery Reader-Sign Up Genius will be sent out soon. Volunteer Clearance Comet Fund Random Acts of Kindness
Websites District Site: Creekside Site: Our Class Site: Homework Site: RAZ Kids: Dreambox: Spelling City:
Contact Information The best way to reach me is by email If there is an emergency and you need to reach me during school hours, please call the front office at 925.314.2000.
Thank you all for coming tonight! I am looking forward to an amazing year with all of your children. Please feel free to add your name to our sign up sheets on the back counter. -Mrs. Sill