Agenda 10/16/14 Turn in Concept & Composition2 2) Introduction to Photoshop: File size & resolution Selections Transformations Hue/Saturation 3) Photoshop Practice Assignment #1: Veggiehead or Edible Architecture
What to turn in: Make a folder with your last name on it What to turn in: Make a folder with your last name on it. Put in the folder: *All 22 photos as .jpegs (each photo is a separate file) Title the photos: Yourlastname-U1.jpeg, U2.jpeg, U3.jpeg etc. up to U7.jpeg Yourlastname-R1.jpeg, R2.jpeg, R3.jpeg Yourlastame-F1.jpeg, F2, F3 Yourlastname-E1.jpeg, E2, E3 Yourlastname-PC1.jpeg, PC2, PC3, PC4, PC5, PC6 *Your pdf file where all the photos are listed and labeled. Call it yourlastname-Concept.pdf
PS Assignment #1: Veggie Head or Edible Architecture Create a face or architecture by selecting individual vegetables and removing them from their backgrounds. Move them, duplicate them etc. Requirements: Clean selections: Remove images with selection Tools, magic wand, eraser 2) Transformation of objects: Size/scale Hue/saturation Rotation Duplication TITLE this document “your last name_veggie.psd” and save in your stuhome drive.
Archimboldo--Surreal portraits
Basic Better