Political Parties
Political parties will emerge at the end of this president’s two terms in office?
George Washington
These two people started political parties?
Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson
He supported big business, strong national government, manufacturing, and the wealthy?
Alexander Hamilton
Thomas Jefferson supported?
Agriculture,weak national government,and the common man.
He was Chief Justice of the United States for 35years?
John Marshall
Court Case “The power to tax is the power to destroy.”
McCulloch V. Maryland
Marbury V. Madison
Principle of Judicial Review
Louisiana Purchase
What president purchased the Territory of Louisiana?
Thomas Jefferson
They explored the territory for Jefferson?
Lewis and Clark
She was the guide and the translator for Lewis and Clark?
War of 1812
The United States claimed this territory after victory in the war of 1812?
The United States purchased this area from Spain after war?
His doctrine closed the Americas off to any further colonization?
President James Monroe
Westward movement and Economic development
The growth of____and____helped the growth of the industrial economy and westward movement for settlers?
Railroads and Canals
He invented the cotton gin?
Eli Whitney
The invention of the cotton gin led to the spread of____?
What crop was slavery-based in the deep south?
The Northern States developed an industrial economy based on?
In order to protect manufacturing from foreign competition, these were passed by Congress?
High Protective Tariffs
Southern States developed an economy based on ?
The slave based system consisted of large farms called?
Most plantations were along the_____Ocean and in the _____South?
Atlantic and Deep
These southern farmers barely grew enough to stay alive?
The small farmers lived mainly in the foothills and the valleys of the ?
Appalachian Mountains
The South opposed them because they raised the price of manufactured goods?
High Tariffs
Because of the presence of slavery, this issue in the senate divided the North and the South?
Slave States v. Free States
As the United States expanded westward, the conflict over__grew more bitter?
The following issues were dividing the country at this time?
The economy, slavery, states’ rights, and representation in the Senate
New states coming into the union caused what type of problems for the country?
Would they enter as slave or free states
It was important to keep an equal balance of ____in the Senate?