Increased Visibility: Track Profit by Property, Truck or Driver Kristy Strickland Subject Matter Expert
Overview Benefits of Analytics Sales/Trend Reports Measuring Profitability Truck Driver Cost of Crude
Benefits of Analytics Able to update reports on demand Access WolfePak data through Excel Ability to use advanced Excel functions with Analytics Combine charts/graphs with Analytics reports Easily change the report from a top level report to an owner or well level report
Sales/Trends Property Trend Reports
Sales/Trends Lease Operating Statements by Property for Internal Owner
Sales/Trends First Purchaser Trend Report
Measuring Profitability With Analytics you can use two functions to calculate Truck or Driver Profitability wpRTT wpRTTExpense Function runs against the Run Ticket Table
Measuring Profitability Calculate multiple levels or a combination of the following: Company Purchaser Operator Property Truck Driver Station
Measuring Profitability
Measuring Profitability
Net Profitability by Truck
Net Profitability by Driver
Cost of Crude Report Cost of Crude report items can be calculated through Analytics
Cost of Crude - Analytics