Male Organ Facts and Fiction


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Presentation transcript:

Male Organ Facts and Fiction

Just because a person owns an impressive car doesn’t mean he knows everything about the intricate workings of its engine or the truth about how many miles per gallon it really gets. For the same reason, a man may have a member but that doesn’t mean he’s up to speed on all male organ facts – especially when those facts deal with male organ health. Yet separating male organ facts from fiction is important in truly understanding one’s manhood and knowing how to treat it. See if you can tell which of the following are male organ facts vs. fiction.

“Once the manhood is in a rigid tumescent state, it loses flexibility.” This would seem like an obvious fact to any man who has observed his proudly tumescent member – but in fact it is fiction. While the tumescent member does become very hard, it still maintains a degree of pliability – such that scientists have found that many times it can become almost boomerang-shaped if a given sensual position requires it.

“More men are growers rather than showers.” That is a fact. According to a survey, 79% of men are growers (that is, their manhood is relatively short when soft but expands significantly when tumescent) and 21% are showers (that is, their soft member is relatively long and expands less significantly when tumescent.)

“The head developed to help displace competitor’s male seed.” Surprisingly, that’s fact not fiction. The shape of the male organ head helps to “scoop out” male seed which may have been deposited by a previous lover. It was more of an issue during caveman days, but a fact is a fact.

“A guy can only rupture his member during wild partner sensual activity.” That’s fiction, actually. It turns out that a male organ rupture more often occurs when a man is vigorously self-pleasuring than when having sensual activity with a partner.

“The phrase “use it or lose it’ applies to the member.” That’s a fact. The manhood needs to be “exercised’ to stay healthy – whether through self-stimulation or partner-based sensual activity. Basically, the smooth muscle in the member requires oxygen to stay healthy, and it gets that oxygen when loads of fresh blood rush into the manhood during the tumescence phase. So self-gratifying or having sensual activity helps the male organ stay healthy and in better shape.

“Manhood sensitivity tends to decrease with age.” Sadly, a fact. As a man ages, the sensory threshold of his member – that is, the point at which he is able to sense the slightest degree of sensation – lessens. This can have several potential impacts, from making tumescence more difficult to attain and/or maintain to delaying a man’s ability to release seed.

“Male seed is not a diet drink.” A fact. Some years ago, it was batted about that male seed was a low- calorie, low-carb beverage. In fact, it is mostly fructose – and considering the small amount of male seed typically released at one time, it is relatively high in calories and in carbs. So claiming that it’s good for a person watching their figure is actually a lousy argument for convincing someone to give a guy oral sensual activity.

“About 12% of men have a micromember.” Fiction – less than 1% of men have a manhood that actually qualifies as a micromember. However, one study found that 12% of men were worried their organ was so small that it was a micromember – indicating again that many men have unrealistic ideas about male organ size.

One of the more important male organ facts (And this is no fiction) is that men need to take steps to maintain male organ health. An excellent way to do this is to daily apply a first class male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). It pays to look for a crème that contains both L- carnitine and L-arginine. The former is neuroprotective and can help protect the manhood from diminished sensitivity. And the latter is an amino acid which helps blood vessels expand, so that more oxygen-rich blood can reach the smooth muscle when needed.Man 1 Man Oil