Male Organ Rash Caused by Tinea Versicolor


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Presentation transcript:

Male Organ Rash Caused by Tinea Versicolor

A skin rash can may an otherwise healthy looking body, and when it is localized as a male organ rash, it can give pause to would-be admirers of said member – enough to often make them decide not to pursue further engagement with the owner of said member While a male organ rash may indeed sometimes indicate a specific male organ health issue, often it is more of a dermatological concern. Such is the case if tinea versicolor is the cause of the male organ rash.

What is tinea versicolor? Also saddled with the name pityriasis versicolor, tinea versicolor is a fungal infection. (Jock itch, another fungal infection, also belongs in the tinea family.) Tina versicolor is caused by a yeast, which is a kind of fungus. Many people hear about yeast being on the manhood and find it a gross thought. In fact, yeast commonly do live on the body; it’s just that they don’t often create a situation, like a rash, so most people are unaware of them.

With tinea versicolor, the yeast impedes proper pigmentation. Where the yeast infection is present, the skin is a different shade or color than the skin surrounding it (creating the rash-like effect). Most often with tinea versicolor, the affected skin is lighter than the skin around it, but not always: there have been many cases where the affected skin was darker. It tends to have a very patchy look, often with large areas of the skin forming one large patch. Tinea versicolor typically appears on the upper trunk, arms and neck, but it can appear anywhere on the body and has appeared as a male organ rash. It would be unusual for it to appear solely as a male organ rash; rather, it would most likely spread at least to the area surrounding the member, and very likely may also have appeared on the torso or other body parts in addition to on the manhood.

Over time, the rash can become scaly and scabby looking. It may also grow itchy, sometimes intensely so. The rash also becomes more pronounced if the skin around it develops a tan (not an issue with the male organ rash except for those who sunbathe nude.)

Causes and treatment Tinea versicolor develops when the yeast which are already occurring naturally on the skin decide to overproduce. This can be brought on by a number of causes. For example, hormonal changes can be a trigger, so this often happens among pubertal individuals or those experiencing a later change in hormone levels. Hot humid weather can also bring it about, as can skin that is too oily. And people with a weakened immune system are more prone to this disorder. There are a number of over-the-counter antifungal medications that a doctor may recommend to treat tinea versicolor. If the case is severe or resistant, a prescription strength medication may be required.

Typically, a patient will be required to take medication periodically even after the rash has gone, in order to help prevent its recurrence. If the male organ rash becomes scaly, it may cause some discomfort during sensual activity, including self-pleasuring.

When a man has a male organ rash, even if from sources other than tinea versicolor, his member skin often becomes overly dry. He can help address this problem by daily application of a top notch male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look for a creme that contains both a high end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). This can help create a “moisture lock” to help trap moisture in the affected area. In addition, a crème with a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid can help strengthen delicate member skin by fighting excess free radicals and the damage they can cause.Man 1 Man Oil