Five Dangerous Causes of Blisters on the Male Organ and How to Treat Them.


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Presentation transcript:

Five Dangerous Causes of Blisters on the Male Organ and How to Treat Them

Pus-filled, angry, red, and wince-inducing whenever they’re touched, blisters on the male organ are a pain unlike many things. Often piercing and long-lasting, the discomfort can be intense. However, some member blisters don’t hurt at all and lay in wait to become something a bit more insidious. While there are plenty of perfectly innocent reasons for blisters on the male organ like friction and folliculitis, there are also some more serious causes that need immediate special attention. Any man who believes he may have blisters on the male organ from one of the below causes should see a medical practitioner ASAP.

The Dark Side of Blisters on the Male organ: Serious Causes Not to be a Negative Nellie, but member blisters can be the result of some pretty serious stuff. These are a few of the most serious causes of blisters on the male organ: HSV. This virus is one of the most common causes of member blisters, and blisters in the pelvic region overall. These blisters can be found anywhere in the nether region including the groin, pubic area, buttocks, and upper thighs. They can also occur in the mouth as well.

HSV is a partner transmitted infection (PTI) and is spread through intimate contact with an infected person. It can cause watery blisters which eventually burst then crust over, resulting in itching and redness. There is no cure for this condition. Immediate care includes antiviral medications, washing the area with warm water and a gentle cleanser, and wearing loose clothes. Be sure to ask the diagnosing doctor for information on living with Herpes to preserve overall health and reduce the risk of transmitting it to current or future intimate partners.

Chancroid. Even the name sounds like a Star Wars villain. Another PTI, chancroid appears as tiny, squishy, grayish blisters on the male organ, scrotum, or other areas in the reproductive region. These blisters can pop or ooze, cause itchiness and swelling, and are painful to the touch. Treatment includes antibiotics and surgery to drain abscesses of pus. Syph. Caused by bacteria, syph is another common PTI. According to the CDC, over 100 thousand people were diagnosed with the disease in 2017 alone. Symptoms include fever, skin rash, swollen lymph glands, and hair loss. The good news? It can be treated if caught in early stages. The bad news? If left to progress or it goes untreated, it can lead to loss of eyesight, loss of cognitiion, and even loss of life.

Warts. Rounding out the PTI group, warts can appear blisteresque and often look “cauliflowery.” It is one of the most common PTI’s out there, especially among young people. Men will need to use a cream to get rid of them. Larger clusters, however, may need to be frozen off by a skilled doctor. Male Organ Cancer. It’s the big C. Male organ cancer may start as a blister on the foreskin, head, or shaft of the male organ. It may then morph into a wart-like growth that discharges blood or a particularly foul-smelling ooze. Treatment includes surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.

Keep Blisters off the Male Organ with These Tips First, a note about intimacy. Notice that the first four of five serious cause of blisters on the male organ were PTIs? Before engaging in intimate contact with new partners, have a frank discussion about intimate histories including intimate health. Be sure to use latex barriers and dental dams wherever necessary.

Second, have a solid hygiene ritual and during that ritual take a moment to inspect the goods. Wash daily with a mild cleanser and warm water. Pat dry and then moisturize the area with a specially formulated male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). Crèmes such as these not only soothe the skin but also keep the area clean and bacteria free. Crèmes like this also keep the delicate skin in optimal condition making inspection easy so a man does mistake acne for a blister!Man 1 Man Oil