LEVEL 1 Country: China Location: Great Wall of China Target: Door at the top Enemies: Horses Food: Lemon
LEVEL 2 Country: Paris Location: Eiffel Tower Target: Door at the top Enemies: Rats Food: Apples
LEVEL 3 Country: USA Location: Statue of Liberty Target: Door at the top Enemies: Pink Spiders Food: Bananas
LEVEL 4 Country: Saudi Arabia Location: Desert Target: Door at the top Enemies: Sheep Food: Grape
LEVEL 5 Country: Egypt Location: Pyramids Target: Door at the top Enemies: Donkeys Food: Oranges
END OF GAME Error Message is Displayed Completion of game is achieved by successfully passing through all the doors in each level Game has unique goals and special features to maintain interest
ANALYSIS Graphics: All the characters, their appearance and movement were unique, somehow funny for entertainment purposes. Extra Features: Everything was present in the game that would keep the player focused to continues play this game. There were many objects with the quality demanded by players of video games like suspense, enjoy, entertainment, fights and targets. Control Keys: Keys of the game were defined simply which made the control over movement of main character very easy.
ANALYSIS Conceptualization: The complete theme of the different stages of the games was defined by huge efforts and development of imaginational concepts about the main idea and it seemed like have been created out of joyful dream. Objects: All the places, objects and the main character had a kind of relation and collaboration to compliment each other’s existence and purpose, while also same idea was followed through all levels and made the game very simple, easy to understand and exciting. Learning: the ways to actually implement the imaginative thoughts and ideas into a realistic game was learned through this game development. Also the definition of object through proper creation was done. For More Case study Analysis Follow my blogCase study Analysis