Remote Service Futures Game These game cards are intended as a guide only. Before printing off, ensure that they reflect accurate information for your circumstances. Adjust, remove or add cards as necessary. Print off cards and cut out. Laminate with front and back of each individual card facing out to make a two sided card with worker skill set letter on one side and list of skills on the other. Also print off skill strips from the PDF file provided and cut them out individually. Each group should receive a full set of skill cards and, if using, a full set of game cards when the time comes. A key to the anonymous cards provided here can be found at the end of this presentation. For more details on how to play the game, please see the Remote Service Futures Toolkit for full instructions.
Can provide care for long term conditions, helping people to stay in their homes Gives advice about how to live healthily and prevent illness Able to dispense medicines and immunise Able to provide treatment for minor illnesses and injuries Can advise patients and relatives on how to care for long term chronic illness WORKER SKILL SET A Average cost to employ £30,000 NHS
Gives advice about how to live healthily and prevent illness Able to provide treatment for minor illnesses and injuries Can advise patients and relatives on how to care for long term chronic illness WORKER SKILL SET B Average Cost to Employ £30,000 NHS Works in, and is employed by, a GP practice Important!
WORKER SKILL SET C Average Cost to Employ £33,600 NHS Able to assess a communitys needs, plan and deliver services accordingly Able to co-ordinate local services across all providers to give an integrated service for individuals Can provide care for long term conditions, helping people to stay in their homes Can advise patients and relatives on how to care for long term chronic illness Able to dispense medicines and immunise Provide treatment for minor illnesses and injuries Gives advice about how to live healthily and prevent illness This person would work closely with individuals and their carers, families and communities. They could also work effectively as part of a multi-disciplinary team (for example with NHS, Council, etc) Important!
Coordinate services across all providers to give an integrated service for individuals Can take medical histories, perform physical examinations, diagnose minor illness and interpret test results Can prescribe and dispense medicines Able to provide treatment for minor illnesses and injuries Can provide care for long term conditions, helping people stay in their homes Gives advice about how to live healthily and prevent illness Can advise patients and relatives on how to care for long term chronic illness WORKER SKILL SET D Average Cost to Employ £40,800 NHS This practitioner, who has a nursing background, works independently but under the supervision of a Worker Skill Set H who could be located elsewhere Important!
Can provide care for long term conditions, helping people stay in their homes Following the assessment of needs by a qualified health care professional, this person can help patients meet health and personal care needs Gives advice about how to live healthily and prevent illness Can carry out some technical duties, such as taking patients temperature and pulse rate, performing simple tests, applying simple dressings and demonstrating equipment WORKER SKILL SET E Average Cost to Employ £23,040 NHS This practitioner would have to work as an assistant to a health care professional Important!
Can take medical histories, perform physical examinations, diagnose minor illness and interpret test results Can prescribe and dispense medicines Able to provide treatment for minor illnesses and injuries Can provide care for long term conditions, helping people stay in their homes Gives advice about how to live healthily and prevent illness Can advise patients and relatives on how to care for long term chronic illness WORKER SKILL SET F Average Cost to Employ £46,200 NHS This practitioner, who has a medical background, works independently but under the supervision of a Worker Skill Set H who could be located elsewhere Important!
Can take medical histories, perform physical examinations, diagnose minor illness and interpret test results Can prescribe and dispense medicines Able to provide treatment for minor illnesses and injuries Gives advice about how to live healthily and prevent illness Can work autonomously Worker Skill Set H Average Cost to Employ £120,000 NHS A separate budget exists within the NHS to pay this worker to respond to calls out of normal working hours if they choose to. This is the only worker who is exempt from the European Working Time Directive. Important!
WORKER SKILL SET I Average Cost to Employ £33,600 NHS Has specific skills to give advice during and after pregnancy and deliver babies
WORKER SKILL SET J Average cost to employ approximately £18,000 Local Council Can provide care for long term conditions, helping people to stay in their homes Able to carry out tasks such as dressing, toileting, washing, preparing and assisting with meals and some practical household requirements such as shopping, minimal domestic work and medicine prompting
WORKER SKILL SET K Average Cost to Employ £28,800 Local Council Contributes to child protection, protection of vulnerable adults, coordinates social services, and can help people to access benefits
WORKER SKILL SET L Average cost to employ approximately £23,000 Local Council Can provide care for long term conditions, helping people to stay in their homes Able to carry out tasks such as dressing, toileting, washing, preparing and assisting with meals and some practical household requirements such as shopping, minimal domestic work, medicine prompting Also carry out more specialised tasks such as help with Oral hygiene Special diets Catheter Care Peg feeding Stoma Care Moving and Handling Use of Hoists Nebulisers
What this can add: To maintain a rota at least 7 volunteers are needed Back up provided by the local health care practitioner and either the ambulance or the Air Ambulance depending on the situation Able to provide basic aid, perform emergency life support, and comfort patients until further help arrives M: FIRST RESPONDER SCHEME Average Cost to establish scheme and purchase equipment: £3,500 Average cost per year: depends on busyness, training costs covered by SAS Scottish Ambulance Service/Community Volunteers A group of community members, trained by the Scottish Ambulance Service, who can administer basic medical help and first aid in the case of an emergency
What this can add: Trains community members to be able to perform basic emergency life support such as CPR, defibrillation, and how to deal with choking or serious bleeding Equips remote communities to deal with time sensitive emergencies, for example with a family member or neighbour N: HEART START PROGRAMME Cost: Free – funded by the British Heart Foundation Scottish Ambulance Service / British Heart Foundation / Community Volunteers
Has the skills to: Provide basic social help to those who are elderly or housebound such as lifts to a friends house, help with shopping or other household tasks, or even just stopping in for a cup of tea to avoid social isolation and check on their wellbeing O: GOOD NEIGHBOUR scheme Cost: Free (or in exchange for other services) Community Volunteers This scheme could be organised in various ways or could be run on an informal basis. Advantages are: community members know each other well, therefore know when something is amiss to inform health care provider. They are also easily accessible and a good neighbour scheme can strengthen community bonds. You may think this already happens in your community – but does it happen for everyone?
What this can add: Can link patients to specialists in partnership with the local health care practitioner which can help avoid unnecessary travel to larger centres Monitoring older and vulnerable people in their homes and providing alarm systems Provide access to specialist nursing clinics, for example, for diabetes care Provide access to sensitive services that patients might want to keep confidential, such as mental health support P: TELEHEALTH and TELECARE OPTIONS Cost: varies depending on equipment or schemes – usually covered by a government grant scheme Scottish Centre for Telehealth
Key to Game Card Roles A = District Nurse B = Practice Nurse C = Community Health Nurse D = Nurse Practitioner E = Health Care Assistant F = Physicians Assistant G = Public Health Practitioner H = General Practitioner I = Midwife J = Home Carer K = Social Worker L = Intensive Carer (new role)