10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 1
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 2 Staves: An Integrated Tracking Structure for the ID Carl Haber
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 3 Outline Issues from Genoa –Derived specifications Progress on Phase 1 program Plan for future work
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 4 Genoa Meeting Basic configuration consensus –Pixel region –Intermediate region: 3 SS layers 3cm x 80 m –Outer region: 2 DS layers ~10cm x 150 m, Z measurement provided by stereo Radiation issues: implication for S/N and operating temperature –~-25C suggested Strong emphasis on material and services reduction: alternate powering schemes
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 5 Basic Genoa Layout
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 6 2 Types of Staves 20<R<50cm: 1 meter stave, 6.4 x 3 cm strips, alternate along Z, top/bottom provides full coverage R>50cm: 2 meter stave, 6.4 (12.8) x 12 cm strips, axial/stereo – top/bottom design to provide Z at large radius –Width driven by economics and electrical issues (voltage drops…) 16 modules/side 18 modules/side
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 7 Mechanical Core
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 8 Stave End View Hybrid electronics Peek Cooling channels 2.9 x 5.6 mm Silicon Sensors 4mm separation Material/stave: 1.8% RL (compare 2.5% ATLAS) 124 grams Fraction of Total RL: Hybrids 13% Sensors 39% Bus Cable 17% CF/Coolant 29% Carbon Fiber Skin Foam Core
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 9 Integrated support structure: 2 int bulkhead 3 outer bulkheads 2(3) barrels
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 10 Structure with one outer barrel and maximum of 1 meter unsupported staves
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 11 Details of CDF Bulkhead See stave core mechanical samples
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 12 Stave Specifications Electrical –Power distribution –Signal transmission –HV Mechanical: advocate a monitored approach with software corrections implicit. There are many examples of large scale precision systems done that way. –Accuracy in plane –Sag effects –Operating temperature and gradients
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 13 PropertyShort staveLong Stave width6.4 cm6.4 cm (12.8 cm) length98 cm192 cm detector width6.4 cm6.4 cm (12.8 cm) detector length3 cm12 cm detectors per side1816 gap between detector along the stave2.4 cm3 mm detector thickness280 microns300 microns number of strips (768) strip pitch80 microns160 microns Power in front end chips3 watts1.7 watts (3.3 watts) Power in silicon – no dose1 milliwatt1 (2) milliwatt Power in silicon – high dose1 watt1 (2) watt Maximum temperature at silicon-25 C-10 C Maximum temperature variation<5 C Max detector position shift from nominal y 30 microns Max detector position shift from nominal x 30 microns Survey accuracy Sy5 microns Survey accuracy Sx10 microns5 microns Survey accuracy S 0.13 mRad0,13 mRad Ladder sag maximum250 microns500 microns Ladder sag stability50 microns
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 14
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 15 Operating Temp – S/N At Genoa values quoted -15 to -25 C Depends on how the specd S/N (10?) is achieved, many variables at play –Leakage current vs dose well known –Silicon thickness –CCE, orientation (n in p, n in n, p in n) –Strip pitch: cluster size, capacitance –FE noise, integration time
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 16 Continued… p bulk gives us high field at collection, good for CCE issue Wide pitch (150 um) gives us large volume for current generation (bad) but favors single strip clusters (good), and lower capacitance Fast electronics allows us to reduce integration time (good for shot noise) but has larger series noise (bad, but how bad?) and required more power (bad for cooling). Etc….
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 17 Comments on Monitoring Stave sag and other deformations (temperature) will be present Position monitoring and readout should be designed into the system from the start. –A number of precise and long range position sensing technologies are commercially available We should be prepared to apply software corrections to the alignment extensively
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 18 Phase 1 Stave An ATLAS version of the CDF Run2b device 1 sensor + hybrid = 1 module (hybrid glued to Si) 6 modules per side Modules linked by embedded bus cable and readout token passing scheme 2 sided – axial/stereo or axial/axial 1 Interface Card /stave Total length 66 cm 6144 channels /stave Built around carbon fiber/foam laminate Purpose is do demonstrate low noise multi-module performance with ATLAS electronics
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 19 Phase 1 Milestones (completion dates given): full electrical specification and schematic for Phase 1 stave10/04done establishment of test stands at LBNL, BNL, and Hampton11/04done validation of test stand operation on test parts12/04done design and layout of Phase 1 hybrid12/04done fabrication of hybrid03/05done assembly and test of hybrid04/05done re-commission and tests with existing fixtures03/05done assembly of ATLAS staves06/0511/05 initial test of ATLAS staves at LBNL 07/0511/05 transfer to and test of staves at BNL/Hampton08/0512/05 irradiation studies of staves10/0502/06 transfer of assembly methods to BNL07/0512/05
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 20 Bus cable detail shows bonding region The bus cable runs UNDERNEATH the sensors. Connections to the hybrids made with wirebonds in small Z gaps between consecutive crystals Bus cable is copper/kapton/Al laminate with 100 micron lines/spaces and thin Al shield layer Electrical isolation of bus from detectors by grounded shield and diagonal traces (not parallel to strips)
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 21
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 22 ABCD Hybrid Fabricated in BeO Fine pitch (100 micron) etched line-work 7 micron Au thickness Bond to pc card for test Re-bond on stave No connectors Schematic similar to standard SCT hybrids Electrically OK 64 fabricated
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 23 Module Assembly/Hybrid Mount
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 24 Module Test Conducting rubber
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 25
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 26 Main Technical Issue: Clock Distr. Existing bus cable design: individual clock/com to each of 6 modules This was at the edge of practicality (layout) Genoa: long staves with N modules Prefer to use a multidrop configuration –This may be the only practical solution for longer staves –Stave bus cable has been redesigned, layout revision in progress –Timing and reflections have been studied –Implications for ABCD-Next design, etc.
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 27 Bus Cable Geometry and Impedance ~ CF Cu ADHESIVE KAPTON Materials: Al foil 2mil, Dupont LF0100, Shinetsu CA333 2 mils, Cu 18 um, Kapton 1 mil, Adhesive Al >>Matches measured impedance
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 28 Issue of timing Hybrid stubs = 12 pf LVDS risetime = 3.5 ns Bandwidth = 0.35/3.5 = 100 MHz Impedance of hybrid stub due to capacitance 1/(2pi * 100 MHz * 12 pf) = 130 ohms Propagation time = 60 ps/cm (3 ns for 50 cm)
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 29 Measurements Literature available on LVDS multidrop performance –Application reports from TI, National, Fairchild… –TI study of 36 receivers Need to understand this configuration as part of the ongoing study –Significant impact on cabling
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 30 Bus Cable Test 75 termination 12+12
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 31 Implications Bus cable test results imply that Phase 1 test stave with 6 hybrids (4 ABCD chips/hybrid) will probably work with a single clock line. For large N staves need to consider an LVDS receiver chip at the hybrid input to reduce capacitance seen by the bus drivers This is consistent with reduced services model –AC coupling –Regulators –Current monitor –Addressing issues (A.G. note) The module receiver chip (MRC) definition and specification should become an important aspect of the ABCD-next discussion.
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 32 Continued Activity FY06 Complete Phase 1 stave –Apply a multidrop configuration Alternative powering: add to a second version of the Phase 1 stave –Serial –DC-DC? –Study of bussing and system issues. Development of stave readout electronics –Evaluate performance of SCTDAQ for multi-module tests Development of detectors –BNL is pursing the 3 cm design Study of mechanical concepts for long staves – Bill Miller –Material –Geometry, cross-section –Cooling –Fabrication ABCD-next –MRC definition?
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 33 Complete Phase 1 Stave Fabricate bus cable Continue fabrication and test of remaining hybrids and modules Assemble and test 2-3 staves for LBNL and BNL, Hampton Costs within FY05 funding
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 34 Alternate Powering Development of specs (LBNL) Add serial powering test to the Phase 1 stave –New version of the bus cable (LBNL) –Add power interface hybrid (LBNL, RAL) –Use commercial components Investigate a universal configuration for serial and DC-DC tests (LBNL) System issues – bypass, failure, noise (BNL)
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 35 Readout System Need to understand how well current UK test stand works for multi-module staves tests, issue of concurrent operation Alternative is a simple pattern generation approach similar to LBNL Patt Board developed by MGS for CDF Engineering on this would be done at BNL and is included in FY06 budget
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 36 Detectors To go beyond the Phase 1 stave based upon CDF Run2b surplus detectors required ATLAS specific devices Candidate is the 3cm short strip design BNL will do a design and fabricate. For the outer stave the CDF devices may still be useful – need to do inventory and availability
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 37 Mechanics 1m and 2m designs require new ME effort for design and fabrication –Laminates –Boxes –Extrusions Low temperature operation Materials B.Miller effort – LBNL Fixture studies – LBNL (FNAL connection) BNL engineering RAL engineering
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 38 Conclusions/Actions Complete phase 1 stave –Near term Develop serial powering modification to stave –Summer 06 ABCD-next effort –Define interface aspect, MRC Continue mechanical studies –Include monitored alignment concepts Develop test detectors for phase 2 stave Readout electronics study
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 39
10-Nov-2005US ATLAS Tracking Upgrade Santa Cruz 40 abcdefghijklmnopqrst uvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW XYZ =,./`