Lesson 2: Our Service Matters Service, History, and Customization This workshop relies heavily on discussion and participation. Since Lesson 2 allows for a lot of customization each chapter is free to present it how best they see fit. The following slides include topics to start conversations and encourage brainstorming.
Arupa Gopal, M.A. Southeast District Governor Life Member, Kappa Tau Chapter Executive Administrative Specialist to the Dean USF College of The Arts
Dr. Thomas Warner, Jr. Assistant Director of Bands North Carolina A&T Alumni, Iota Rho Chapter
What are you looking for? How can we help? Begin with asking for topics that attendees are interested in covering. Take notes and see where they may be incorporated into the agenda.
Agenda Explore the Thought Process Service History Lesson 2 Breakout Discussions Questions Briefly touch on each topic. You may need to revisit this introduction once you’ve made it through preparing for the rest of the presentation.
Developing a Service Thought Process Types of Service Service to the bands Service to your chapter Service to your Brothers Service to yourself Talk through each type of service and share examples, such as: Bands - service projects to help the band; Chapter - updating processes to improve the chapter’s functioning; Brothers - helping Treasurer with a spreadsheet problem if you have that particular skill/personal help like giving someone a ride or starting a study group; Yourself - don’t lose yourself in this process/you don’t have to say yes to everything
A SWOT Analysis is a tool that chapters can use to evaluate their service (or other areas, or even the whole chapter). Talk through each category and identify a few action items.
What should be considered when developing and organizing service projects? What is the goal of service projects? What is your planning process? Do you have an evaluation process? Who can you consult with and involve? Guiding Questions: Talk through each question.
Presenting Your History Facts & Figures Memorization Personal Putting yourself in their shoes Discuss ways to present history without just using facts and figures. Try to make it a personal exploration with considerations about time/place/circumstance. For example, the Founding Fathers in 1919 put a lot of time, effort, and money into creating the fraternity and they had no idea if it would last. The climate in the country was fraught and there were only certain modes of communication and transportation, and all this while being college students. Talk through ways to apply this exercise to your own history.
Presenting Your History Living Who can you involve? Current Consider what you’re doing now and how it’s being documented Also discuss who else you can involve, from faculty/staff who may have been around at the time to alumni who can provide their perspective. Remember to consider your current happenings and how you’re keeping records so that it can be presented in the future.
Guiding Questions: What is the purpose of examining history? What is the message? How can it be conveyed effectively? Guiding Questions: Talk through each question.
Lesson 2: Our Service Matters The First Purpose What is important to emphasize? Chapter History What is your approach? Band History One you’ve gotten to this lesson, consider that the membership class has so far done the Orientation, then First Degree, then Lesson 1, which is a lot of information up front. Although you can choose to do unique activities or discussions, the information is already prescribed and should be fully presented. Lesson 2 is dependent on the school, the chapter, the local environment, and provides a great opportunity to be creative. Consider your approach to each topic and determine what you’d like to emphasize.
Lesson 2: Our Service Matters Tau Beta Sigma (if applicable) Lesson Plan - Appendix H Thought Process Other Organizations History and collaboration Brothers who may be in both If presenting on TBS, do consult with the provided lesson plan in appendix H. It is a lot of information so be sure to have a clear thought process for what you’d like to present and why, and also consider including Sisters who may be in your area (active, alumni, etc.). If presenting on other organizations be sure to include the history of your collaboration between chapters on your campus and utilize members involved in both.
Lesson 2: Our Service Matters Service Project Membership Candidates will develop, plan and execute a service project that is to be completed no later than the seventh week. The Vice President of Membership should provide the Membership Candidates with a list of possible service projects (see Service Project Ideas in Appendix F). The Director of Bands, Chapter Sponsor, and/or the chapter officer in charge of service projects should be present at the meeting to help guide the Membership Candidate class in the planning of this project. Discuss the service project and how the earlier exploration of a “service thought process” can apply to what the membership class undertakes. Place particular emphasis on the last sentence, as it is often an overlooked step.
Learn from/about other chapters Group Breakout Share your approach to Lesson 2 Discuss what works/what doesn’t Analyze Candidate reactions Give suggestions Learn from/about other chapters If other chapters are not present, split attendees into groups and allow time for brainstorming. Be honest about the current approach to the lesson and what can be changed/improved.
What did we miss? Questions? Ask if there are other topics attendees might want to explore.
Other Help: youtube.com/kkpsitv “Roadside Assistance” There are many resources to utilize for help with any of lessons of The Road to Wisdom (curriculum advisor, curriculum committee, District Council, District Governors, National Council, etc.). Introduce attendees to this newer resource available through the KKPsi YouTube channel.
Dr. Thomas Warner, Jr. tgwarner@ncat.edu (404) 218-4373 Contact Info: Dr. Thomas Warner, Jr. tgwarner@ncat.edu (404) 218-4373 Arupa Gopal agopal@kkpsi.org (813) 495-0664 Provide your contact information.