16 May06 1 Integrated Shipbuilding Environment 4 (ISE 4) Demonstration Overview Presentation for Seattle NSRP Panel Meetings May 16, 2006 Ron Wood Burt Gischner
16 May06 2 Agenda Product Data Interoperability Overview –Dan Billingsley, NSRP Program Manager, NAVSEA 05DM –Pete Halvordson, Vice President, Engineering, GD Electric Boat –Rick Self, NSRP Executive Director, ATI Corporation ISE Project –Overview/Background of ISE ISE 4 –Live Demonstration This is only a recap of a 2.5 hour slide & live demo done in Washington on April 27 th. Full content of presentation is available on
16 May06 3 Attendees Total Qty: appx 50 Navy Qty: 16 including Senior Navy attendees: –Deputy PEO Subs (McNamara), –2 PEO Ships Deputies (Art Divens and Al Weyman) –NAVSEA 08 rep –Howard Fireman (SEA05D) RAN Representative
16 May06 4 The Problem Addressed While credited with major reductions in design and manufacturing cost, IPDEs pose a significant software development / integration challenge and expense. –IPDE cost for a major ship or submarine construction program can total $150M to $200M, of which 45-55% is for integration planning, information engineering and interface software development. Typically each ship or submarine program develops an IPDE to take advantage of latest hardware and software and to suit –program requirements, –team member work practices, and –team member business relationships Interoperability among components has been achieved by ad-hoc and proprietary interfaces resulting in: –Duplication of development effort, –8-10 partially integrated systems that are not interoperable with others, –Annual integration expenses of $10M-$30M for each major program, –Multiple incompatible systems at each shipyard, and –Numerous inconsistent sources of product information for Navy engineering and service life support.
16 May06 5 The Problem (cont) Information technology ages quickly - access to vital product data becomes problematic early in the ships life cycle Managing the Cost and Risk of Computer Systems Development – IDE / IPDE / PLM –The development of these systems represents a significant investment in time and money –It can represent a significant amount of Program risk –Interoperability of disparate systems remains a significant challenge
16 May06 6 Shipbuilders 3D CAD Systems by CAD system by Program
16 May06 7 Across organizations –Co-production / Co-design - more flexibility in teaming & 2 nd sourcing. –Acquisition programs can re-use engineering tools and data management components developed by preceding programs. –Expedited review of shipbuilder designs by government engineering agents. –Enable common methods of handling product data for service life support Within shipyards –Components can be upgraded or replaced without major disruption or redevelopment of the rest of the IPDE infrastructure – yielding improved flexibility, improved leverage with vendors and reduction of recurring cost. –Third-party capability can be introduced in specific areas including discipline-focused software developed by ABS, ONR, DARPA, academia and industry. –Reduce/eliminate need for multiple IPDEs within a single yard. Business Drivers for Interoperability
16 May06 8 Standard Approved Standard Development Information Model Testing Framework Prototype Translators Information interoperability lifecycle Roles ISO NSRP NAVSEA NAVALPROGRAM Information interoperability specification Contractual Specification Deployment, integration, testing Phases: Requirementsdefinition Production deployment Technology Business Decisions Well-Defined Solution Path –- much progress -- $17M to complete
16 May06 9 Interoperability Status Shared Concept of Information Content and Relationships Native ANative B T T ExchangeFormatSpec ContractTerms Acquisition Policy STEP XML Substantially complete DoN Policy Memo Oct 2004 Substantially complete Prototyped by NSRP Negotiated program by program
16 May06 10 ISE Background First NSRP major systems technology project Phase 1: Requirements definition and architecture for shipbuilding systems interoperability »March 1999 to December 1999 Phase 2: Deployment for Structure & Piping »March 2000 to December 2003 Phase 3: Deployment for HVAC & CPC Interfaces »October 2003 to October 2004 Phase 4: Current Project –Deployment of Ship Compartmentation –Deployment for Engineering Analysis –Prototype for Electrical –Prototype, Steel Processing with Rules Processing »April 2005 to July 2006
16 May06 11 ISE Project Approach Develop and demonstrate tools that are low cost –can be selectively used by shipyards to support interoperability –capitalize on XML and related Internet technologies Flexibility is critical –allow shipyards to transform their data to/from common information model Drive development of international shipbuilding product data standards (e.g. STEP, PLIB) –Construct a single Shipbuilding Information Model –Demonstrate and educate U.S. shipbuilding community –Now approved international standards
16 May06 12 ISE Architecture Accessible to large and small shipyards –Only system dependency is Web infrastructure –Utilizes open standards Innovative integration of STEP and XML technologies –Supports sharing of geometry & geometric product models Permissive (mediation) architecture –Lets each enterprise choose its own tool set Incorporated into CAD platforms used by U.S. shipbuilders ISE architecture represents an innovative, practical solution to the information interoperability challenge
16 May06 13 The Navy and Shipbuilders Are Using Product Model Data Technology Product Model Data = 3-D CAD + definitions + other documentation Continued investment is key indication of value
16 May06 14 This ship is used to locate and retrieve torpedoes and missile drones. It has a maximum payload capacity of 42 long tons which includes the deck cargo plus full liquids, full complement, and normal stores. This ship was selected because it is in-service, has a complete set of drawings available for distribution, and is: Approved for Public Release: Distribution Unlimited. The ISE Test Ship - TWR 841
16 May06 15 Team Participants
16 May06 16 ISE2 Demonstration
16 May06 17 ISE3 Demo Overview
16 May06 18 DONXML The Department of Navy (DON) vision for Extensible Markup Language (XML) is to fully exploit XML as an enabling technology to achieve interoperability in support of maritime superiority For cataloging product data in XML format, the DONXML working group has agreed to allow the STEP Schemas developed under the ISE Project to be registered in the DONXML repository. Schemas registered to date: –Ship Moulded Forms (AP216):2 Use cases –Ship Structures (AP218):2 Use Cases –Piping (AP227):2 Use Cases –HVAC (AP227):1 Use Case –Common Parts Catalog:1 Use Case ISE4 Schemas will be registered
16 May06 19 ISE Product Model Prototyping
16 May06 20 Presentation Agenda Interoperability Demo Scenario Ship Arrangements Exchanges using AP215 and AP216 –Initial Design in TRIBON –Transfer from TRIBON to LEAPS –Modifications in FORAN –Transfer from FORAN to LEAPS (and ISDP) –Transfer from ISDP to Intelliship Electrical Demonstration using AP212 Engineering Analysis Exchanges using AP218 and AP209 Steel Processing Exchanges using AP218
16 May06 21 Demo will Feature Product Model Data TWR 3D Product Model Geometry Engine Room ISE4: Arrangements Engineering Analysis Electrical Design Steel Processing from the TWR Engine Room
16 May06 22 Demo Scenarios for the Four ISE4 Tasks Four Tasks and Demonstrations Initial Design Detail Design Manufacturing Lifecycle Support Engineering FEA Analysis Concept & Preliminary Design Stage Detail Design Stage Steel Processing Electrical Arrangements
16 May06 23 Systems Involved in the Interoperability Demo Initial DesignDetail DesignManufacturing Lifecycle Support TRIBON ISDP LEAPS Engineering FEA Analysis FORAN Preliminary Arrangement Feed Mfg from ISDP Modify Arrangement Partnership Yard INTELLISHIP Repair Shipyard Suggest Design Changes Submit Design Approval Final Product Model Delivered to Navy GDEBNGSS Steel Processing Navy Analysis Programs Engineering Analysis B B C = Mediators Required Concept & Preliminary Design Detail Design Sener Intergraph EBC ADAPT Key: Atlantec = Demonstrated= Not Demonstrated Electrical KSS/KM Navy Response Center AP215 P21 AP215 P28 AP215 P28 AP218 P28 AP218 P28 AP209 P21 AP215 P21 A AP212 P28 AP212 P21 Submit Design For Approval Arrangements
16 May06 24 Ship Arrangements Demo Details Initial DesignDetail DesignManufacturing Lifecycle Support TRIBON ISDP LEAPS FORAN Preliminary Arrangement Modify Arrangement Partnership Yard INTELLISHIP Repair Shipyard Suggest Design Changes Submit Design Approval Final Product Model Delivered to Navy B B = Mediators Required Concept & Preliminary Design Detail Design Sener Intergraph Key: Atlantec = Demonstrated= Not Demonstrated Navy Response Center AP215 P21 AP215 P28 AP215 P28 AP215 P21 Submit Design For Approval Arrangements Navy Analysis Programs Engineering Analysis
16 May06 25 Integrated Shipbuilding Environment Washington DC April 27, 2006 Arrangements Demonstration
16 May06 26 Demo Scenario – Tribon Translator Tribon Initial Design Atlantec AP215 Translator Tribon Output Files STEP / XML AP 215 File Mediators STEP AP 215 File FORAN LEAPS Translation Process – High Level
16 May06 27 Overview – LEAPS AP215 Translators Project accomplishments: Developed STEP AP215 Import and Export Translators for Navy LEAPS system. PDSC is ISO Editor of STEP AP215. Provided AP215 documents, ARM/AIM EXPRESS schemas, and training/consulting to ISE team. Developed and maintained ISE AP215 Implementation Agreements and Issues Logs for ISE Team. Submitted 20 SEDS (Standard Enhancement and Discrepancy System) to ISO for inclusion in next version of ISO AP215 standard. Product Data Services Corporation (PDSC) for NSWC Carderock Division
16 May06 28 Overview – LEAPS AP215 Translators LEAPS – Leading Edge Application for Prototyping Systems Central Navy Repository for Ship design and analysis. Developed and supported by NSWC Carderock Division. Common database for 3D Product Model Data and Analysis results for new Ship Acquisition. Direct translators from ASSET for initial arrangements and to NAVSEA analysis software for performance and vulnerability assessments.
16 May06 29 Overview – LEAPS AP215 Translators LEAPS – Leading Edge Application for Prototyping Systems
16 May06 30 Demo Scenario – FORAN Translator Detail Design in FORAN ISDP used by Partnering Shipyard LEAPS for Customer Review and Approval Preliminary Design done in TRIBON has been transferred to LEAPS for Navy review and suggestions for design changes are forwarded to shipyard using FORAN who will perform Detail Design SENER AP215 Translator STEP AP 215 File
16 May06 31 SENER - FORAN FORAN Ship Arrangements Detailed Design Selective STEP Export to LEAPS Spaces Deck zones Zones ( P21 AP215-AIM STEP FILE) Decks and Bulkheads Details List of Ship Spaces Hull Forms FORAN – ISE4 AP215 STEP Translator FORAN – ISE4 Import STEP Translator TRIBON - LEAPS AP215 – SHIP ARRANGEMENTS
16 May06 32 Overview – Transfer to Life Cycle Support Transfer construction product model to Life Cycle Support for –Engineering support Onboard applications Distance support Maintenance aids Analysis tools –Decision support / simulation –Logistics support Typical deliverables are drawings / documents –Must be re-converted to electronic data –Manual, labor intensive, incomplete process –Integrated Product Model often lost ISE information models designed to interoperate and preserve integrated product model –Supports automated, complete process
16 May06 33 As-Is Process – Transfer to Life Cycle Support Life Cycle Support System Integrated Construction Product Model Neutral File Geometry (IGES, STEP, ACIS, DXF) Or Drawings C&A Drawings Equipment Arrangement Drawings Structural Drawings Molded Form Modeler Arrangements Modeler Structural Modeler Equipment Modeler Manual, labor intensive & often incomplete process
16 May06 34 ISE Process – Transfer to Life Cycle Support Life Cycle Support System Integrated Construction Product Model AP 216 Molded Form Data AP 215 Arrangements Data AP 218 Structural Data AP 227 Equipment Data Highly automated, integrated, complete process ISE Translators ISE Translators ISE Translators ISE Translators Integrated Life Cycle Product Model
16 May06 35 Demo Scenario– Transfer to Life Cycle Support Integrated Construction Product Model AP 216 Molded Form Data AP 218 Structural Data AP 227 Equipment Data ISE Translators ISE Translators ISE Translators ISE Translators Integrated Life Cycle Product Model ISDP: Integrated Ship Design & Production IntelliShip Previous exchange Compartments created using existing molded forms ISE exchanges interoperate & preserve product model AP 215 Arrangements Data
16 May06 36 Electrical Demo Details Initial DesignDetail DesignManufacturing Lifecycle Support ISDP Engineering FEA Analysis Preliminary Arrangement Modify Arrangement Repair Shipyard Steel Processing = Mediators Required Concept & Preliminary Design Intergraph Key:= Demonstrated= Not Demonstrated Electrical KSS/KM A AP212 P28 AP212 P21 Detail Design Arrangements
16 May06 37 Project Objectives Exchange and ARCHIVE electrical shipbuilding data using STEP AP212 (developed by the auto industry). Adopt XML to exchange STEP data. Lay the groundwork to exchange data between CAD and knowledge-based software systems using STEP. Leverage existing initiatives in the industry (STEP Part 21, STEP Part 28, STEP AP212, and the Navy XML repository). Publish project results.
16 May06 38 Knowledge Systems Solutions Knowledge management products and expert system software Navy (SPAWAR) C4ISR Ship Shore Installation Design Tool (SSIDT) KSS KnowledgeManager Product to create user-defined knowledge bases Air Force (OC-ALC) SBIR Knowledge-based reverse engineering & automatic creation of 3D CAD models Navy (NAVSEA) SBIR Knowledge-based retention of shipbuilding expertise * ** Transition of NSRP STEP translator technology *
16 May06 39 Spiral Development Knowledge-based system STEP XML AP212 TWR Lighting TWR Power Distribution System Spec Framework Design Single C4ISR Equipment Single C4ISR Circuit Full C4ISR System Generic Objects Design Configurator Integrated Prototype Component Design File Data Import Navy Air Force Commercial STEP – Data – Translator Full Engineering & Design Data Sets
16 May06 40 Knowledge Management Demonstration TWR Power Distribution System Collect data and information into a knowledge base Perform calculations and design functions
16 May06 41 Electrotechnical Results Developed Component Design Framework for data translation and archival using STEP AP212. Knowledge Management(knowledge & rules) Engineering Data(results) Created reusable STEP toolsets (mediator stylesheets) for DoN repository. Tested AP212 with diverse electrotechnical test cases. Demonstrated the joint use of STEP and XML with new programming resources.
16 May06 42 Electrotechnical Future –Continued joint service implementation and benefit. –ISE4 follow-on project Facilitates detailed engineering along with early conceptual electrical engineering. Integrates knowledge management with 2D and 3D CAD via STEP formatted files. –Automatically generate knowledge bases from existing CAD data elements.
16 May06 43 Engineering Analysis Demo Details Detailed Design Stage NGSS, Intergraph EBC Electrical Concept & Preliminary Design Engineering FEA Analysis XSLTs NGSS, Intergraph EBC ADAPT AP218 P28 AP209 P21 ISDP Steel Processing Initial DesignDetail DesignManufacturing Lifecycle Support Detail Design Arrangements
16 May06 44 Engineering Analysis Project ISE-4
16 May06 45 AP218: Ship Structures L
16 May06 46 Configuration Control, Approvals Part, product definitions Finite element analysis model, controls, and results Configuration Control, Approvals Part, product definitions Finite element analysis model, controls, and results Analysis Discipline Product Definitions Finite Element Analysis –Model (Nodes, Elements, Properties,...) –Controls (Loads, Boundary Constraints,...) –Results (Displacements, Stresses,...) Analysis Report Analysis Discipline Product Definitions Finite Element Analysis –Model (Nodes, Elements, Properties,...) –Controls (Loads, Boundary Constraints,...) –Results (Displacements, Stresses,...) Analysis Report Design Discipline Product Definition Shape Representations Assemblies Design Discipline Product Definition Shape Representations Assemblies Information Shared Between Analysis & Design 3D Shape Representations Composite Constituents Material Specifications & Properties Part Definitions Information Shared Between Analysis & Design 3D Shape Representations Composite Constituents Material Specifications & Properties Part Definitions Composite Constituents Ply Boundaries, Surfaces Laminate Stacking Tables Reinforcement Orientation Composite Constituents Ply Boundaries, Surfaces Laminate Stacking Tables Reinforcement Orientation Material Specifications & Properties Composites Homogeneous (metallics) Material Specifications & Properties Composites Homogeneous (metallics) 3D Shape Representation AP202/203 Commonality Plus Composite Specific 3D Shapes –Advanced B-Representation –Faceted B-Representation –Manifold Surfaces With Topology –Wireframe & Surface without Topology –Wireframe Geometry with Topology –Composite Constituent Shape Representation 3D Shape Representation AP202/203 Commonality Plus Composite Specific 3D Shapes –Advanced B-Representation –Faceted B-Representation –Manifold Surfaces With Topology –Wireframe & Surface without Topology –Wireframe Geometry with Topology –Composite Constituent Shape Representation AP209: Composite & Metallic Structural Analysis & Related Design R
16 May06 47 Engines are Supported on Outboard and Inboard Girders TWR Engine Room Twin Caterpillar Diesel Propulsion Engines Fuel Oil Tank Top R
16 May06 48 Selected TWR Engine Room Solid Model Geometry with Port Caterpillar Engine Partial Design Change - Additional Brackets Inserted at FR 17 & FR 19 TWR Engine Room L
16 May06 49 Selected TWR Engine Room Solid Model Geometry with Port Caterpillar Engine TWR Engine Room R
16 May06 50 Port-Side Outboard Girder - Solid Model Geometry for Analysis TWR Engine Room Fuel Oil Tank & Engine Support Structure Shown in Intergraphs ISDP Software Demo Geometry in ISDP L
16 May06 51 Port-Side Outboard Girder - Solid Model Geometry Outboard Girder – Mid-Surface Shell Geometry for Analysis Demo Geometry Nominal (CAD) and Idealized (Analysis) Geometry in EBs ADAPT code L
16 May06 52 Outboard Girder – Shell Finite Element Analysis Model 6 G Simulated Shock Loads Applied in Vertical and Athwartship Directions Shock Stress FE Analysis Model L
16 May06 53 Analysis 2 Outboard Girder – With Intermediate Brackets at Frames 17, 18, and 19 Analysis 1 Outboard Girder – With Single Intermediate Bracket at Frame 18 For the Simulated Athwartship Shock Loading, Adding the Additional Brackets Results in an Eight-Fold Reduction in Von Mises Stress Level Shock Stress FE Analysis Result L
16 May06 54 Steel Processing Demo Details Initial DesignDetail DesignManufacturing Lifecycle Support ISDP Engineering FEA Analysis Preliminary Arrangement Feed Mfg from ISDP Modify Arrangement Partnership Yard Repair Shipyard GDEBNGSS Steel Processing = Mediators Required Concept & Preliminary Design Detail Design Intergraph Key:= Demonstrated= Not Demonstrated Electrical AP218 P28 Arrangements
16 May06 55 Objectives/Scope General Objectives (from NSRP SIP) –Decouple CAM from CAD –Enable efficient partnering among yards Project Scope –Create a framework for defining manufacturing rules/processes –Develop a Yard-Neutral Mfg Model (STEP AP218) Suitable for work package definition Make recommended enhancements to specification as required –Apply manufacturing rules to generate a manufacturing product model that respects the requirements of a given yard
16 May06 56 Usage Scenario Shipyard A Shop B STEP 218 Shipyard B Shop A STEP 218 CAD (Detailed Design) Steel Processor (Lofting/ Mfg Engineering) Steel Processor (Lofting/ Mfg Engineering) Mfg Rules
16 May06 57 Mfg Product Model Shell Plate Design CAD Develop Flat Plate Specialized Macro Add Excess Stock for Rolling Manufacturing Rule Adjust Size for Weld Shrinkage Manufacturing Rule Yard Processes and Assembly Plan Add Edge Prep & Punch-marking Source Process ManufacturingDesign
16 May06 58 Rules Application Data Creation –Creation of manufacturing data based on the input data and rules –Examples Feature definition (edge preps, added/removed matl) Annotation creation and positioning Process definition Data extractions for post-processing applications (reports, mfg aids, nesting) Data Verification –Check the data for conformance to a set of yard-specific processes, geometry correctness (e.g., closed parts), consistency, and produce-ability –Examples Data integrity (content, structure, associations) Geometry correctness Structural part relationships Correlation of processes applied to structural data
16 May06 59 Demonstration Example Deck Plates Bulkhead
16 May06 60 Yard-Specific Annotation Ex. Thickness Throw Indicator (Northrop Grumman Ship Systems) Thickness Throw Indicator (General Dynamics Electric Boat) Stiffener Marking Line
16 May06 61 Demonstration Scenario Northrop Grumman Avondale Shop B STEP 218 General Dynamics Electric Boat Shop A Launch Demo STEP ISDP Steel Processor 1 Apply manufacturing rules for NG Avondale 2 Apply manufacturing rules for GD Electric Boat STEP 218 Mfg Rules STEP 218 Mfg Rules
16 May06 62 Benefits of Approach - Steel Processing Explicit definition and application of rules to structural data –Maintained separate from design/lofting systems –Streamline manufacturing product model creation and verification Evolution of ship structural standards –Use STEP specifications as the native import/export format and as a framework for the internal structure
16 May06 63 ISE Summary
16 May06 64 NSRP ISE Accomplishments National consensus architecture for product data interoperability Published 100s of industry use cases defining requirements for information sharing Developed consensus data element definitions and consensus taxonomy for communicating product data across the enterprise Developed tools and demonstrated feasibility for interoperability of : –Structure & Piping (March 2000 to December 2003) –HVAC & CPC Interfaces (October 2003 to October 2004) –Current Project (April 2005 – July 2006) Ship Compartmentation Engineering Analysis Electrical Steel Processing with Rules Processing Developed Information Models based on STEP Verified that the above meet requirements of U.S. shipyards and work with currently available CAD tools Published Implementors Agreements to enable others to use these tools effectively Registered ISE Schemas with the DONXML Repository Identified proposed changes/corrections to ISO STEP Standards Created a Website to contain the relevant software tools, schemas, etc. as provided by the ISE Project Result of this approach: Product Data Interoperability Standards are Substantially Complete
16 May06 65 Information Interoperability Roadmap Note: Circled boxes have been addressed under the ISE Project
16 May06 66 Continuing Efforts An ISE4 Follow-On Project was awarded for 2006: –Electrical: Finish task including addition of 3D information –Program Management: Continue support and involvement of ISO and DONXML activities An ISE Systems Technology Panel Project was awarded for 2006: –Steel Processing: Continue efforts with emphasis on STEP-NC Future Projects: Complete the Information Interoperability Roadmap –Goal is to turn all boxes Blue –ISE Project is providing tools to turn boxes from Red to Yellow and then to Green –Customer must invoke Requirements on Contracts in order to get these tools Implemented in Production
16 May06 67 Next Steps NSRP: Finish Remaining Standards (as resources allow) and work with the Navy to …. Navy: Create the business pull –Define Navy Shipbuilding Enterprise plan for standards-based product data acquisition & use Throughout design, construction and service life Standard contract clauses Through-life archival & access approach Shipyards –Move toward modular IPDE architecture with standards-base interfaces –Clarify marginal costs to package and deliver digital data –Demand standards-based translators from software vendors –Capitalize on business opportunities enabled by interoperability Business considerations and cultural barriers are more significant than technical issues
16 May06 68 Conclusions These testing, modeling, and simulation efforts are part of an attempt to develop a suite of product model data exchange tools that will enable U.S. shipyards to become more productive These efforts revolve around implementation of the ISO STEP Shipbuilding standards and XML technology The APs that enable these exchanges have completed their development and approval as International Standards The primary focus has shifted to testing and validating their implementations ISE Tools Enable Interoperability between Shipyards and Reduce the Life Cycle Cost of Ships
16 May06 69 Two major challenges lie ahead of us: –Commercialization of this technology –Continuing to prototype standards based data exchange in other application areas In order to increase the availability and lower the price of production ready tools: –The ship owner / operator needs to insist that data be delivered in a system neutral format –The shipbuilder needs to insist that STEP functionality be an integral part of computer software products The next challenge is to move this technology into the mainstream and insure that the technology is mature enough to transition into commercial CAD, CAE, CAM, and PDM products Challenges
16 May06 70 Summary Enabling interoperability is a major challenge in achieving the goals of NSRP Achieving these goals will have a major impact on reducing the cost of ships The ISE Project is attacking these problems in many different disciplines and environments Although ISE has been very successful, much work remains to achieve our goals