BRAD SHADE Director of Housing Services University of Northern Colorado DR. CYNTHIA M. ANDERSON Director of Residence Life Northern Arizona University VICTOR M. SALAZAR, JR. Coordinator of Staff and Community Development Northern Arizona University Association of Intermountain Housing Officers Beating the Odds, Winning Together Las Vegas, NV November 10-12, 2013 Purchasing Power: A Behind the Scenes Look at the Corporate Partner Fair
NPs and CPs: Why Build Partnerships? Terminology Furniture Sustainability Establishing Your Own CP Relationships
How knowledge in this area (specific and relational) can advance your career Increasing your knowledge in Facilities Management In our region, a NP can also be a SHO You can only be new for so long... What to expect and how to prepare for the AIMHO Corporate Partner Fair
merchandise sold in bulk: merchandise often sold in multiple packs, e.g. beer or fruit juice box-shaped furniture: types of furniture that have a box- shaped structure and provide storage space, e.g. bureaus furniture sold as sets: bedroom or dining- room furniture that is sold as sets
Which Joint Is Better? Why? French Dovetail Drawer Joinery Finger Dovetail Joinery
Case side Mortis Front spreader Tenon This form of case good joinery provides Bracing TO THE FRONT OF THE CASE GOOD ONLY. It, however does not allow for component replace-ability. This is a wet joint and inferior to Interior four sided framing which is Dry joinery construction and allows for component replace- ability.
Back Panel Joinery Methods Blind Dado Joint Traps the back. Rabbet Joint The back rests in a notch and is stapled in place. Dadoed Back Rabbet Back
Panel Edge Treatments or What do they mean when they talk about solid wood, laminate, particle board and how they are used?
Solid wood top with integral edge profile that is milled into the solid wood panel.
Laminate top with APPLIED edge banding therm bonded to secure the edge.
Laminate top with INTERNAL edge banding the laminate covers the top of the edge band.
Exploded view of a well built case good using interior framing and replaceable drawer fronts. ALL COMPONETS ARE REPLACEABLE.
Interior four side frame reinforcement. This is the most durable form of construction
Integrated Pulls
Integrated C-Pull
Drawers run on side- mounted heavy-duty 100 lb test load capacity drawer tracking Check out the old- fashioned finger dovetail joints in each drawer – both front and back!
What is wrong with this custom-built casework?
Dont overlook the possibilities of Metal construction.
How about a self- closing drawer?
Bunk-able Fully Adjustable Junior Lofts Tool Free Ladder End
Wedge Lock Bed Mechanism Pin Post Style
See the internal construction
Securing Cushions
Double Rub A double rub is one, abrasive, back and fourth stroke made on the surface of the fabric. Abrasion The surface wear of a fabric caused by rubbing and contact with another fabric.
Limitations of Sample Cards Limitations of Computer Images Limitations of Larger Samples Product Lifetime and Consumer Preferences
Things to consider Ease of product repair/replacement Environmentally friendly Consider Solid oak or maple furnishings Company practices
Warranties Make or Break issues during bid process Specifications Outline of a desired product Should go hand in hand with bid process Best to be highly detailed
Build them nowBuild them now Talk the LingoTalk the Lingo Learn their namesLearn their names
Match the Architecture with the Interior
How would you furnish these halls?