Proper stick sizing
Fitting To properly fit a goalie stick, follow these simple steps: 1)If you're able, it is best to fit a goalie stick while wearing goalie skates. Fitting a goalie stick in street shoes does not accurately simulate use, and your fitting will not be accurate. 2)Have the goalie get in a stance position as if he/she was playing - knees bent hands in front of the body, stick 12" from the skates. * A perfectly fit stick will place the goalie's blocker next to his or her leg pad as shown in the picture. * The stick is too short if the blocker overlaps the leg pad, or if the heel of the stick comes off of the ice in a normal stance position. * The stick is too big if there is a large gap between the blocker and the leg pad, or if the toe of the stick comes off the ice in a normal stance position.
Tips NOTE: Paddle Measurements are NOT Consistent from Brand to Brand It is difficult to use the manufacturer's measurements as a guide when sizing sticks as measurements are not consistent from brand to brand. In other words, a 24" paddle from one manufacturer may not be the same as a 24" paddle from another manufacturer. It is important to go through the sizing process each time that you purchase a new stick.
Kind of Sticks 1. Wood Goalie Sticks Wood sticks are typically made of laminated pieces of aspen, ash or birch, which are covered on the paddle and blade by thin layers of fiberglass for durability and water resistance. As stick technology has advanced in the last few decades, the demand for wood sticks has decreased as today's goalies tend to favor lighter and softer models. o Goalies who prefer a more traditional feel, or who are on a budget, will find wood sticks appealing.
Continued… 2. Foam Core Goalie Sticks Foam core sticks typically feature a wood shaft with a glass lamination for durability. The paddle and blade are made from a molded urethane, which is then injected with foam, and covered with a glass or composite laminate for strength and water resistance. o Newer foam core sticks also feature a harder heel insert to keep the heel from premature wear and tear. The foam inside both the paddle and the blade act to provide rigidity, and to dampen the vibrations that goalies feel when the puck hits the stick. o Oftentimes, goalies who use a foam core stick will describe its feel as soft, meaning that there is little vibration when the puck impacts it. Foam core sticks have grown in popularity over the years as they combine a reasonable price point, light weight, a soft feel, and good durability.
Continued… 3. Composite Goalie Sticks Todays composite sticks are made from a variety of materials, ranging from fiberglass to graphite to carbon fiber/Kevlar. o Like the foam core sticks, composite sticks often feature foam core injections for vibration deadening, and they are often wrapped in higher grade synthetic materials (nylon, carbon fiber, Kevlar) which help promote durability. Due to the nature of the materials being used, composite sticks – especially the carbon fiber, Kevlar and graphite models; tend to be the lightest on the market. o Additionally, many of todays models feature innovative elements including rubbery grip zones on the shoulder area, convex or flat paddle profiles (on the side that faces the shots), and contoured paddles that accommodate goalies who like the hold the stick closer to the body. Composite sticks tend to be the most expensive on the market, though the buyer can be comforted in knowing that many of todays composites feature a 30-day manufacturers warranty.
Tapping Sticks
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