First Thursday of the month 7 Feb, 7 March, 4 April, 2 May, 6 June, LET’S TALK Speech and Language Therapy Drop In Children’s play area available Suggestions and activities to support your child’s listening and talking Do you have concerns or questions about your child’s listening and talking? Is your child under 4 years old? Come and chat about fun ways to help your child. Where? Gate 55 Community Hub 55 Sighthill Road Edinburgh EH11 4PB When? First Thursday of the month Anytime between 09.15 -11.00am 7 Feb, 7 March, 4 April, 2 May, 6 June, 4 July, 1 Aug Bring along a family member or friend if you want. For further information please contact the children’s speech and language therapy team Tel:0131 453 9315 www.facebook/NHSLothianSLT